Ralph Peters calls Obama a “TOTAL PU$$Y” on Live TV – IOTW Report

Ralph Peters calls Obama a “TOTAL PU$$Y” on Live TV

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37 Comments on Ralph Peters calls Obama a “TOTAL PU$$Y” on Live TV

  1. CNN and MSNBC are already lining up their quack psychologists to tell us how this sudden use of of profanity by Trump and Peters is a sign of deadly white male rage. Or small penises. Or something.

  2. God knows what Melissa-Harris Perry would wear to work if Trump said that. I imagine she’ll be wearing a full-body vagina costume tonight, in protest of Ralph Peters.

  3. obama unleashed *his* Nancy’s on us when he emboldened his followers to tell us to “get educated!” We did. Now Trump emboldens us to take a verbal fist to their noses. We like how this works.

  4. He is clearly unstable and his recent barely contained outbursts against his supposed “enemies” (ordinary American citizens) are exposing him. Those close to him must be watching very closely. I dont trust him with the nuclear codes. He is cracking..

  5. Calling Obama a pussy underestimates the damage he and the Chicago Communist cabal are doing to America. He and his gang are on the other side. They are the enemy within the gates. Heck, they have the keys to the gates and are determined to as much damage to America as they can get away with.

    How do Americans, and the Republicans as the official opposition party, minimize the damage Obama and his handlers can do in the remaining 13.5 months? Electing Paul Ryan Speaker of the House was not an auspicious start.

  6. The Fox moderator chastised Peters for using the term “total pussy?” This isn’t a discussion about any liberal “feel good” issue designed to cater to a small vocal minority of whack jobs who live by political correctness (I’m looking at you, gender neutral bathroom people), this is a reaction to a speech which was ostensibly about national security issues. It was time for the President to at least pretend to man up, and he failed.

    In the war on terror, there are a lot of nuances which should be considered. But those nuances should be considered amongst security and military personnel and experts who are knowledgable with these issues; the American people want to be reassured that steps are being taken against those people responsible for terrorism (as opposed to the current stance of punishing law abiding citizens). George Bush, for whatever his faults, understood this.

    I would imagine that Hillary Clinton is appalled at Obama’s reaction to the San Bernadino assault because Obama is demonstrating that big, liberal government, which the Democrats champion, is incapable of any effective or reassuring response to terrorist attacks. But even HRC is too much of a liberal to see how the wind is blowing; two assholes attack unarmed people in San Bernardino, and the liberal reaction is to take away the primary means of self defense for ordinary citizens and continue to clamor for unfettered immigration. This is the reaction of people who live in gated communities and travel with body guards; this does nothing for ordinary people.

    Ronald Reagan understood the power of a credible threat of use of force and a capable military. Obama is, as he has demonstrated time and time again, over his head.

  7. Awesome. Ralph tells it like it is! He’s right. Americans who love this country are pissed off. They know Barry iis anti American and as a closeted Muslim, supports Islam.

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