Rand Paul: ‘Donald Trump Would Be a Better Commander-in-Chief’ – IOTW Report

Rand Paul: ‘Donald Trump Would Be a Better Commander-in-Chief’

Breitbart: Thursday on CNN’s “Wolf,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is more qualified than Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton be commander-in-chief of the United States.

Partial transcript as follows:

BLITZER: Very quickly, who’s more qualified to be commander in chief?  Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?

PAUL: Without question, I think Hillary Clinton would more likely get us involved in another war in the Middle East. She’s been for sending arms into Syria. From the very beginning, Donald Trump has said that he questioned the Iraq War. So that gives me some consolation that Donald Trump would be a better commander in chief because he at least had the foresight to see that the first—the Iraq War led to a destabilization of the area and Hillary Clinton was on the other side of that.


8 Comments on Rand Paul: ‘Donald Trump Would Be a Better Commander-in-Chief’

  1. Rand has said he stands by his pledge to support the nominee. He’s never wavered.

    He’s who I supported from the beginning and I’m glad he’s sticking to his word.

    From May:
    “I took a pledge when I ran for president to not run as an independent candidate and to support the Republican nominee,” Paul said. “I stand by that pledge, and I think that anybody who signs their word to a document ought to take it seriously before they sign a document. So I don’t think there’s any question that those who signed the document ought to say, ‘you know what? I honor the pledge.’”

  2. Rand has stood by his pledge. He was the person I wanted to be the nominee. I’m glad he’s sticking to his word……to bad others aren’t.

    From May:
    “I took a pledge when I ran for president to not run as an independent candidate and to support the Republican nominee,” Paul said. “I stand by that pledge, and I think that anybody who signs their word to a document ought to take it seriously before they sign a document. So I don’t think there’s any question that those who signed the document ought to say, ‘you know what? I honor the pledge.’”

  3. Well, let’s start with the fact that Donald Trump understands the military, and the need for it, because his high school education was received at a military academy. That’s where he learned leadership and marksmansip, too.

    Hillary’s view of the military hasn’t changed since the 60s. Soldiers are all these dangerously out-of-control gook-killers, ya know?

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