Rand Paul Responds to New Dress Code – IOTW Report

Rand Paul Responds to New Dress Code

20 Comments on Rand Paul Responds to New Dress Code

  1. Total clown show. I dont hate Rand. But I sure hate the whole thing.
    Sneaking zoloft to teenagers! Did you see that one from Maine? This entire “trans” bs thing. I see how they now call it “Trans Community”, what an oxymoron. Ukie land and Zman….The point is there is a very long list of actual IMPORTANT things to fix. I give a total crap what they wear. When Rand does this stunt, it gives oxygen to their insanity.

  2. “Rand Paul, who is he?”
    “A what the fuck nobody …”

    Coming from some Anonymous enema nozzle who hasn’t the courage to even use a fake name is absolutely rich.

    Who’s the “what the fuck nobody” in this thread?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Every republican senator needs to show a unified support for Uncle Festerman’s dress code rule change by wearing a hoodie, gym shorts and tennis shoes…oh, and a neck tie, of course.


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