Rashida Tlaib Paid Herself $45,500 From Campaign Funds – IOTW Report

Rashida Tlaib Paid Herself $45,500 From Campaign Funds

Made $17,550 in payments following election.


Freshman Democratic representative Rashida Tlaib (Mich.) paid herself tens of thousands of dollars from her campaign’s funds during the midterm elections, filings with the Federal Election Commission show.

Tlaib, who was elected to the House last November, began paying herself on May 7, 2018, from Rashida Tlaib for Congress, her campaign committee, and averaged $4,000 per month outside of August, which included two checks of $3,000 each.

From May 7 until the general election on Nov. 6, Tlaib paid herself a total of $28,000 in payments from the campaign committee, which first-time candidates are permitted to do up until the day of the general election if they so choose.

“If the candidate wins the primary election, his or her principal campaign committee may pay him or her a salary from campaign funds through the date of the general election, up to and including the date of any general election runoff,” FEC provisions state. “If the candidate loses the primary, withdraws from the race, or otherwise ceases to be a candidate, no salary payments may be paid beyond the date he or she is no longer a candidate.”

An FEC spokesperson said that a candidate can pay themselves after the general election only for activity that occurred up to the day of the election.

Following the general election, Tlaib cut herself a $2,000 check on Nov. 16 and disbursed $15,500 to herself on Dec. 1, which was well above the average of what she was paying herself during the campaign.

“On its face, it looks like the $2,000 payment on November 16 might be for the candidate’s salary for the first two weeks of November,” an election law and government ethics lawyer told the Free Beacon when asked about the payments. “But given that the election occurred on November 6—i.e., part-way through the first November pay period—I am surprised that this last payment wasn’t prorated. In other words, Tlaib stopped being a candidate halfway through this period, but it appears that she kept collecting her full salary as if she was still a candidate throughout the full first two weeks of November.”  keep reading

15 Comments on Rashida Tlaib Paid Herself $45,500 From Campaign Funds

  1. “The amount that Soros’s group reported paying out to Tlaib on its tax forms, $85,307, differs from the amount Tlaib reported on her financial disclosure—$68,307—for her leadership in government fellowship.”

  2. Create a slush fund (AKA a “Foundation”), go on fact-finding missions to underprivileged places (preferably those with beaches), and soon the dough will be rolling in for your paid vacations.

    Make it a permanent gig — convince others also to pay into your “Foundation” since a microscopic amount will go to the little people.

  3. If it weren’t for crooks in politics, we’d have very few politicians.
    There ARE honest peeps who go into politics – but they don’t usually stay long – some folks can’t abide the stench – others become corrupt, themselves.

    It’s difficult NOT to steal when you see how easy and protected it is.
    Face it. If you live in a whore-house (referring to men, here) you are, eventually, going to “taste the wares” – or “dip the wick,” so to speak.
    Likewise, if you work in a chocolate factory where the owner lets you eat all the chocolate you can stomach, and gives you free chocolate for lunch, you’re gonna eat a lot of chocolate!
    Now, consider that you’re in a place where there are just bushels and bushels of money laying around and everyone – EVERYONE – tells you it’s OK to take whatever you want! And the bushels are never empty – no matter how many people take however much out of them!

    Shit! Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Paul Ryan, Mad Max Waters, Obola, Clinton, Wilson, Carnahan, Hoyer, Lewis, Cummings, Ocasio-Cortez, Biden, McConnell – they’re carry out the swag in wheelbarrows! Sending some to their family, friends, and supporters but, mostly, to the Unions and Organizations that keep them elected.

    You’d probably stuff your pockets, too.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. In the unlikely event that the FEC will do anything at all, she will only give a half-assed apology and return the money from her personal bank account to her election committee account, from which she will just pay herself during next year’s election cycle.


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