Rasmussen Needles Other Pollsters For Going Silent After Conventions – IOTW Report

Rasmussen Needles Other Pollsters For Going Silent After Conventions

American Thinker

Rasmussen published a series of tweets on Monday openly snarking at its competitors for their silence.  Moreover, whoever is writing Rasmussen’s tweets was not shy about identifying a reason for the other polling outfits’ unusual reticence: the narrative up until the conventions was that Biden was unstoppable; it’s now quite possible that he’s been stopped. More

9 Comments on Rasmussen Needles Other Pollsters For Going Silent After Conventions

  1. I am not going to say that Rasmussen is infallible, or even that they aren’t biased (you can research their track record yourself.
    However, it is nice to see that someone is pointing out the obvious.
    I do not think it will make any difference, to that the major news outlets will push the polls that agree with them, but just glad that someone is saying something.
    We can say all we want here, but we do not, normally, make it to anyone outside the bubble.

  2. I keep hearing and seeing ‘Trump won the election with such-and-such’. Reality is that Trump won reelection the day he took the oath in January 2017 – because he was going to take actions to help our country and us, and that would be reflected in the polls. However, that didn’t mean that it wouldn’t be a close election. Now, thanks to the actions of the Left, it will be a landslide. And when people being polled realize that it is a foregone conclusion they are less reticent to show their support for the one demonized by the media.

  3. Competing polls ar nothing but competing propaganda, I’ll believe what I see in the official results after they come in and nothing else.

    And I’ll only believe the official results as the official results, not necessarily that they are the true vote.

  4. @Extirpates – We can only hope. I am not as optimistic. Both sides (the left more than the right because of their visible influence) will push their agenda.
    I do agree that a Trump tsunami would be a great sight. However, that will just force the left to go even further.
    Stand strong! Vote. Encourage those you know. Do. Not Get. Complacent. You all know the left will lie, cheat and steal whatever they can. Even if you aren’t sure about a weak-kneed conservative or RINO, they are better than the alternative. If you do have a choice on a RINO vs a democrat, hold your nose and vote for them. Then immediately start a campaign to find a better alternative on the right for the next election.

    Just my opinion

  5. @Toxic – I understand and can sympathize. I live in Colorado and have had to deal with Those types for years.
    I still want people to vote for them, despite their inclinations. I think that voting (or not voting) is a worse option.
    Do I want to see Cory Gardner in the senate? No, but John Hickenlooper is a much worse option, and it might mean a democrat choosing the committee members and who runs those committees.
    Do I want Mittens in the Senate? No, but the alternative is worse.
    Does my opinion mean that I won’t push for someone else in the future? Absolutely not. I am looking at the short term practical matters. I do not want Chuckie S deciding which judges get approved. I do not want Nancy P deciding what legislation gets pushed.
    For the long term, yes, we can have that debate.


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