Real Wages Drop Again as Inflation Continues to Outpace Pay Increases – IOTW Report

Real Wages Drop Again as Inflation Continues to Outpace Pay Increases

CTH– Knowing, not predicting – knowing – the Biden economic policies were going to create massive U.S. inflation in the years to follow, in 2021 I pinned a tweet thread to the top of my timeline on the CTH Twitter account that could be used as a reference. [You Can Read Here] Not a single month of statistical data has come in the past two years that was not entirely predictable.  Today’s report from the Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) [DATA HERE] is no different.

Inflation is a measure of the change in a price. It is usually presented in terms of a percentage of change. When inflation starts to lessen, what that means is the rate of the price increase slows down. The price is still going up, but at a slower pace.

February prices overall increased 0.4% for the month, putting the current rate of annual inflation at 6.0%.  Meaning prices (on aggregate) are 6% higher than this exact same time last year.

Meanwhile, wages increased 0.2% for the month, and hours worked dropped 0.3% [DATA]. Wages only rising by half the rate of prices, and hours worked dropping, means the net ‘real wages’ declined, yet again, by 0.4%.
Workers are going backwards.

5 Comments on Real Wages Drop Again as Inflation Continues to Outpace Pay Increases

  1. “By the way, you know, I sit on the stand and it’d get hot. I got a lot of — I got hairy legs that turn blonde in the sun, and the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and then watch the hair come back up again.”

    It’s not a nightmare..It’s real.

  2. Biden’s comical’economic policies’ was established to destroy the poor and low income and drive out the middle class. Biden is ‘that-guy’ who yearns to rub shoulders with elitists and globalists which is why he bends to their every command. A slob who has no more inkling about anything than a tree stump. No offense to tree stumps and their affiliates.

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