Rebekah Jones: The Grift That Keeps On Grifting – IOTW Report

Rebekah Jones: The Grift That Keeps On Grifting

National Review

This is a story about Rebekah Jones, a former dashboard manager at the Florida Department of Health (FDOH), who has single-handedly managed to convince millions of Americans that Governor Ron DeSantis has been fudging the state’s COVID-19 data.

When I write “single-handedly,” I mean it, for Jones is not one of the people who have advanced this conspiracy theory but rather is the person who has advanced this conspiracy theory. It has been repeated by others, sure: by partisans across the Internet, by unscrupulous Florida Democrats such as Nikki Fried and Charlie Crist, and on television, by MSNBC in particular. But it flows from a single place: Rebekah Jones. To understand that is to understand the whole game. This is about Jones, and Jones alone. If she falls, it falls. More

Drew Holden put together a Twitter thread of all the co-grifters in the media who willingly propped up the lies in order to maximize the damage to Governor DeSantis. Here

Newsbusters has a follow up expose of Chris Cuomo who had his own personal motivations for helping Jones promote her grift. Here

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