‘Red-Handed’: 23 Former U.S. Senators and Congressmen Who Lobby for Chinese Military or Chinese Intelligence-Linked Companies – IOTW Report

‘Red-Handed’: 23 Former U.S. Senators and Congressmen Who Lobby for Chinese Military or Chinese Intelligence-Linked Companies

Breitbart News senior contributor and Government Accountability Institute (GAI) President Peter Schweizer’s latest investigative exposé, Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win, reveals how 23 former U.S. senators and congressman have lobbied for Chinese military or intelligence-linked companies after leaving office.

Many lawmakers cash in after leaving office by becoming lobbyists for corporations and other special interests. But one would hope that they would not become advocates for America’s primary economic and political adversary — communist China — by lobbying for outcomes that run counter to the United States’ long-term interests.

However, Schweizer’s book reveals that many former congressional leaders, committee chairman, and rank-and-file members are lobbying for Chinese intelligence and military-linked companies.

The following 23 former members of Congress — the majority of whom are Republicans — have lobbied for Chinese military or intelligence-linked companies. more here

10 Comments on ‘Red-Handed’: 23 Former U.S. Senators and Congressmen Who Lobby for Chinese Military or Chinese Intelligence-Linked Companies

  1. They are traitorous dirty bastards willing to sell out to anyone who will them graft money. They’re all a bunch of gutless cowards who hate America and will sell out to the highest bidder. There should be no lobbying allowed by any former govt. officials ever after they leave office and if they do they need to go to federal prison and stay there for the rest of their miserable lives.

  2. I always felt that if Boehner were my neighbor, he’d be the victim of some mysterious accident. That guy always looked/acted like a shifty rat. Damn him to Hell. He shares those nervous mouth movements that make diabolical Nancy P such an attractive wench. (sarc!)

  3. I’m sure the FBI ,NSA ,CIA are on the job watching what’s going on . Oh that’s right they are devoting they’re resources to the PTA Parents Terrorist Association.

  4. This is why Rino’s are worse than the Commie Dem’s, at least with the Dem’s you know where they stand. 🤬

    Nothing worse than a backstabbing traitor.😬

    I’m still waiting for some retaliation against China, but sadly we won’t see it. 😞

  5. The last line IS WRONG! The correct statement is ,”..THE MAJORITY OF WHOM ARE BUSH. REPUBLICANS.”



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