Regrets? Chris Wallace Has a Few – IOTW Report

Regrets? Chris Wallace Has a Few

American Thinker

Apparently, nobody told Chris Wallace that rats are supposed to jump from sinking ships, not onto them. After leaving Fox News for the nascent CNN+ streaming service (and watching ratings soar for his old show, Fox News Sunday, once he was gone), Wallace now finds himself abandoned by the person who lured him away, Jeff Zucker. Radar Online reports:

Chris Wallace is “irate” at the ousting of CNN president Jeff Zucker and his future at the news network is uncertain, Radar has been told.


34 Comments on Regrets? Chris Wallace Has a Few

  1. There was a time when I fell for it. I thought Chris was “fair and balanced”. Then something happened. Give me a second. No, don’t tell me. It is on the tip of my tongue. Oh yeah. He hosted a Presidential debate.

    I admit to being naive. Having said that, you are exactly where you deserve to be Mr. Wallace

  2. It’s just fascinating how many Trump hating demons have fallen.

    It’s almost like their pure vitriolic hatred of our Lord and Savior has real time repercussions.

    PDJT is a very flawed man, but almost every man chosen by the Lord God Almighty was flawed in some way except his immaculate son.

    May each and every Satan loving Demon be laid low.

  3. Ummm Chris – Yer 74 years old and still daddy’s little Liberal who never grew up.
    You’ve got no following, no credibility and now no job.
    Yer past yer “Sell By” date.
    It’s time to hang it up and retire… but old Liberals never learn, do they?

  4. Maybe he should be Biden’s press secretary since he’s been schilling for that stupid bastard all along.
    Besides, Raggedy Ann is looking more raggedy every day.

  5. He’s 74, 10 years over his stay in front of the public. You’d think he would have better smarts than to leave a job you’ve been at for over 14 years just to get canned 2 months later. CNN folks don’t like you Chris. Fox won’t take you back, why not retire, go away. Zucker is out for himself, you were dragged along for shits and giggles.

  6. How does a Jewish guy get named Chris? I’m not Jewish but it seems odd to me.

    Maybe he’s confused in his head. From leaving Fox to sign on at CNN he went from a pseudo-conservative NW to really effed-up anti-American NW.


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