Remember When Wanda Sykes Was Funny? Me Neither – IOTW Report

Remember When Wanda Sykes Was Funny? Me Neither


Wanda Sykes managed didn’t get the response she was looking for recently in bluest of dem cities, Boston when she went to the liberal go-to racist Trump joke.  She didn’t take the audience’s feedback comedy stylings very well.


26 Comments on Remember When Wanda Sykes Was Funny? Me Neither

  1. Sykes was smart when Mooch was glamorous and Obola and JoeBiden were SO smart!

    The oceans’ rise stopped and the planet ran on unicorn flatulence !

  2. The “joke” is not only not funny it’s not even true in any sense. First President Trump is not a racist by any definition of the word. But not only that even if he were he would not be the first “confirmed” racist president. ALL of the democrat presidents from Andrew Jackson to Lyndon Johnson (with MAYBE the single exception of JFK) were all CONFIRMED racists. In fact anti-black racism used to be a part of the democrat party platform.

  3. I remember seeing a video of Sykes’ act back in the late 1990’s and it wasn’t bad. That was about the time that Chris Rock put out his first video, “Bring The Pain,” which was hilarious.

    Then Rock started acting like Jesse had come down on him hard and he was no longer funny. Maybe that’s what happened to Sykes.

  4. Humor has to have an element of truth. Liberals don’t understand humor. They are just mean and nasty. I have never understood the appeal of Jon Stewart or Bill Maher, they aren’t remotely funny unless you too are an angry liberal and enjoy their nasty attacks. It seems people have finally had enough – about time.

  5. The only reason I know who she is was from her role as a personal assistant and foil to Jane Fonda’s character in Monster In Law (now there’s a bit of symmetry). I had to listen to the movie a bit, and she was funny in that. Otherwise, not so much. This must be what happens when she writes her own lines.

  6. I remember two of Sykes’s jokes as being among the funniest I’ve ever heard.
    Here’s one:
    So me and my two 35 year old girl friends dress up real sexy and go to the bar. We’re standing next to the bar, imagining we’re looking good. We’re looking hot. We’re looking like 26 year old babes.
    Then a 26 year old babe walks by.
    “Get out of here, you bitch!”

  7. Dana Carvey has a new comedy special on Netflix. He opened with a rather masterful and certainly very far from mean spirited take on both recent presidents and candidates for the office. So refreshing! We were told this wasn’t possible the last 8-years. After being reflexively turned off by all Trump criticism, it was fun to laugh at good natured humor about some of his mannerisms. If it weren’t for the half dozen or perhaps even fewer F-bombs, it would have been a good watch for the whole family.

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