Report: Bush Sneered at Trump Inauguration: ‘Some Weird S**t’ – IOTW Report

Report: Bush Sneered at Trump Inauguration: ‘Some Weird S**t’


43rd president adds to digs on GOP successor after giving Obama eight-year pass.

President George W. Bush, who made a special effort to avoid appearing critical of President Barack Obama in public, has shaken off much of his gentlemanly restraint now that President Donald Trump sits in the Oval Office.

A new report alleges the younger Bush blasted Trump’s inaugural address as “some weird s**t” as the newly sworn-in president left the dais.

The comments came to light Thursday after three sources confirmed them to New York Magazine.

Prior to the report, Bush’s presence at Trump’s inauguration was noted mostly for the former president’s brief life-or-death struggle with a poncho.

Now it may be noted for Bush’s concise response to Trump’s vivid descriptions of “American carnage.”

Reports of the comments will no doubt bring joy to liberals, who have increasingly warmed to President 43 — despite spending eight years trashing him as “Bushitler” — in light of his apparent criticisms of President Trump.

In a February interview with Matt Lauer, Bush appeared to attack Trump’s comments on the threat posed by Islamic terrorism and treatment of the press. “People who murder the innocent are not religious people,” Bush said. “They want to advance an ideology. And we have faced those kind of ideologues in the past,” he continued.

“I consider the media to be indispensable to democracy,” Bush said. “That we need an independent media to hold people like me to account. Power can be very addictive. And it can be corrosive,” he continued, before taking the opportunity to implicitly connect Trump to Vladimir Putin.

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26 Comments on Report: Bush Sneered at Trump Inauguration: ‘Some Weird S**t’

  1. Just another Butt hurt Globalist pissed the NWO is being destroyed.
    That idiot Junker is so butt hurt over Trump he threatened the EU would break up the Unites States today.

  2. Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, all presidents representing the chamber of commerce. They are all of the same club. I’m starting to worry over Trump’s stamina in standing up to these folks. I hope he’s just playing a long game and puts my worries to rest by 2018.

  3. What was so ‘weird’ about it, GB? I thought that you were such a ‘devout’ christian and all, considering how respectful, christian-based, and all american Trump’s speech and inauguration ended up being, I’d have thought someone ‘like’ you would have appreciated it?

    In other words, careful Georgie, your globalist slip is showing.

  4. Scratch most people that call themselves conservative these days and there’s a progressive just underneath. It’s disturbing. A lot of people I once thought were really conservative have surprised me lately. (Not that I ever actually thought GWB was conservative.)

  5. Good job being a useful idiot for the Left, dubya. Ya freaking fraud. “Hey I’m just an evangelical, pro-life, small government conservative from Texas” – what a joke. This guy was never one of us

  6. The capacity for elite level republicans to embrace the marxist shitbags who crap all over them at the expense of their own party members reaches the levels of virtual cannibalism.

  7. LSD might explain W’s current strange blurting out and his infatuation with a cross-dressing gorilla. Laura must live in denial and distance from her bethothed goofball.

    God has ways of revealing every variety of odd sods.

  8. “A new report alleges”…This is all it takes to get peoples panties in a bunch?
    Anyone sitting next to the Obamas and Clintons would say there was some weird shit going on.

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