Report: FBI Has Enough Evidence to Prosecute Hillary Clinton for Public Corruption – IOTW Report

Report: FBI Has Enough Evidence to Prosecute Hillary Clinton for Public Corruption


Breitbart: An investigation into possible mishandling of classified information on Hillary Clinton’s private email server has expanded to consider whether Clinton’s work as Secretary overlapped with her work for the Clinton Foundation run by her family.

Fox News‘ Catherine Herridge published the report, citing unnamed FBI sources, Monday morning. The report indicates the initial security referral looking into whether or not classified information was mishandled has expanded to look at possible public corruption involving the Clinton Foundation.  more

17 Comments on Report: FBI Has Enough Evidence to Prosecute Hillary Clinton for Public Corruption

  1. This beech could confess to killing Foster in the White House, rolling him up in a carpet, and dumping his body in Fort Marcy Park…(cough)…and the ignorant Liberals would still vote for her as President.


  2. Let’s see, the FBI is part of the justice department, headed by the AG, who is Loretta Lynch, so the chances of prosecution are about equal to your chances of winning a $1.4B lottery.

  3. The Five NY Crime families – the Bonanno, Colombo, Gambino, Genovese and Lucchese clans – need to welcome the Clinton crime family into their realm. Yeah, I know. I know. Just when your reputation was looking up, along comes the Clintons.

  4. Look for Lizzy “Liawatha” Warren to come out of the woodwork, any day now.

    Yeah, Lizzy stayed out because the Clinton Crime Family probably has some dirt on her, but in the Clinton world, if Hitlery can’t be POTUS, they’d love to have someone they can blackmail. Who knows, Hitlery might get another shot at a cabinet post!

  5. I think you are correct about the Clinton crime family.
    I have heard friends say Hillary is running the country thru Obama.
    Has been from day one.

    Remember you heard it here first.

  6. if hillary is indicted she becomes too much of a liability to those who are really in power.
    dead SOS’s tell no tales.
    look for hillary to succumb to her health issue, “latent post concussion syndrome”.
    and I would be quite happy having hillary out of the way so I don’t have to send my “energizer bunny” home before she bakes my cookies.

    this is why I went golfing with obama months ago to give the green light to and plan her demise.

  7. Don’t worry Loretta Lynch will agree to indict Hillary right after she admits that all Muslims should be rounded up and deported, and she votes for Donald Trump.

  8. Cannot indict Clinton without implicating Obola.




    There’s a better chance of Moon Men coming down and whisking all the socialists back to the Moon.

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