Report: Previously Deported Illegal Alien Arrested After Two Young Boys Found Chained Up in Apartment – IOTW Report

Report: Previously Deported Illegal Alien Arrested After Two Young Boys Found Chained Up in Apartment


An illegal alien, previously deported from the United States, and his girlfriend were arrested after police in Fairfax County, Virginia, found two young boys chained up in their apartment.

Franklin Viera Guevara, a 29-year-old illegal alien from El Salvador, was arrested along with his 47-year-old girlfriend Wedni Del Cid Rodriguez, and charged with child neglect, child cruelty, and child abduction after Fairfax County police officers found the woman’s two boys, seven and nine-years-old, chained to a post inside the couple’s apartment. more

6 Comments on Report: Previously Deported Illegal Alien Arrested After Two Young Boys Found Chained Up in Apartment

  1. Would it be considered “cruel and unusual punishment” to have a speedy trial and then just execute multiple-times illegal border crossers who are convicted of committing a felony?

  2. Don’t want to stay deported?
    I have one last deportation for ya, and I guar-an-damn-tee that you’ll never come back to bother anyone in the US ever again.

  3. Frank and Wedni (Wedni?) thought they were helping the boys avoid falling into the wrong crowd, little realizing they were the wrong crowd.

    @President Elect, etc. — I hear the big trebuchet is in the shop, so we’ll have to use the small one and send ’em piecemeal.

  4. Unk,
    So ya got the Guillotine outta the shop?
    Greased up, inspected, tested, and ready ta go?

  5. @President Elect, etc. — Guillotine blade is sharp, honed, polished, and oiled, plus the runners are freshly greased.

    The chainsaw backups are tuned, fueled, and rarin’ to go.

    And I just got a nice, new axe.

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