Reporter: Using the term ‘anchor baby’ is offensive – IOTW Report

36 Comments on Reporter: Using the term ‘anchor baby’ is offensive

  1. The limp wristed reporter looked like he was about to cry. And yes, I want Da Tromp negotiating our treaties and yes, he would have gotten the Iranian hostages freed. No doubt. Don’t give them an inch Donald….

  2. Points to Mr. Trump for refusing to play the leftist game in which they get to decide which terms are and are not acceptable.

    After convincing Mr. Trump to use the term “American born”, the next step would be asking “why do you hate American-born babies?”

    One of the best things about Mr. Trump’s run is his absolute refusal to suffer fools. If for nothing else, I welcome his run.

  3. The more he talks the more I love the guy. If you didn’t get a chance to watch that rally in Alabama (might have that wrong) where he was taking questions from a rowdy crowd you need to watch it. Nothing scripted and he was just killing it. I think he’s our guy.

  4. i was holding back, thinking Cruz, cruz, cruz. Now i’m more like Cruz, Trump, cruz, no trump, no wait, cruz…

    Trump has more backbone and larger balls than ANY other candidate and I welcome it. Damn it, I’m tired of our country being run by lawyers, LAWYERS for Gawds sake. Hey, how about we try a successful business man for once. What a concept.

    Trump, the USA’s Putin. Kick some ass, forget about the names.

  5. Good for you! everybody else should also. Stuff it right down their pasty white Marxist throats. Anchor Baby, Anchor Baby, Anchor Baby, Criminal Invaders, Criminal Invaders, Criminal Invaders, Rosie is a big fat sow, Rosie is a big fat sow’ Rosie is a big fat sow,
    B. Hussein Obama is a Muslim, B. Hussein Obama is a Muslim,
    B. Hussein Obama is a Muslim, Micheal Obama is a transgendered
    turd. etc. And the beat goes on!!!!!!

  6. Trumped! ABC’s Tom Llamas got bitchslapped and his bubble busted and looked like he was about to burst into tears. Good. Really starting to hate these arrogant agenda media assholes. How much longer before Trump Derangement Syndrome becomes a thing?

  7. When I saw this and after thinking about it for a while, the only improvement he could have made on his answer would have been to say, “Because everyone knows that’s exactly what they are!”

  8. I’ve always been a Cruz guy, but someone the other day posted a note about how great he would be on the supreme court. Eight years in the WH vs 30 or 40 on the bench, makes me think he’d do the most good there.

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