Republican Michigan elector says he’s received DEATH THREATS ordering him to change his vote to Clinton or his ‘brains will be blown out’ – IOTW Report

Republican Michigan elector says he’s received DEATH THREATS ordering him to change his vote to Clinton or his ‘brains will be blown out’

  • Michigan elector Michael Banerian has received ‘aggressive’ emails
  • Unhappy citizens have tried to convince him to vote for Hillary Clinton
  • But some included graphic death threats, including ‘talk about shoving a gun in my mouth and blowing my brains out’, he said
  • Banerian said he has every intention of casting his vote for Donald Trump
  • Trump won state’s 16 electoral votes by a narrow margin of 10,704 ballots
  • Democratic electors are also trying to coax others away from Trump
  • Members of electoral college will cast their votes on December 19
  • Some states don’t have a rule binding their electors to the popular vote
  • Recount is also being launched in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan 

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8 Comments on Republican Michigan elector says he’s received DEATH THREATS ordering him to change his vote to Clinton or his ‘brains will be blown out’

  1. But *that’s* “freedom of speech,
    *not* “a threat to our Democracy [sic].”

    Those double standards just keep getting
    thinner and thinner and thinner…

  2. well of course he did.

    fascists always impose their will upon the people at the end of a gun.

    and we all know the anti constitutionalists are commies and fascists. always using the government and courts to force their will upon the people at the end of the government gun.

  3. I wonder the FBI is on this. I suspect that the ones that are issuing the actual threats have not fully anonymized their email or IP address and could be easy to track down. They need to be arrested and publically charged with whatever federal crime is appropriate. No plea bargain, no suspended sentence, they do time. It’s the only way to stop some of these assholes.

  4. I am sure IF THE FBI were not illegally constrained by Barky and Loretta, they would have already put a stop to the murderous threats and street insurgency put on by Soros et al. But like we have seen before in the 1980s with the first pizzagate scandal, the DOJ and FBI tend to smother that which embarrasses them or does not tune up with their agendas. Barky, Cankles, and Loretta’s agenda is overthrowing the legitimately elected government. They should be arrested and tried for highest crime of all, treason against the USA. Comey is guilty as hell and needs to be removed and tried also. The Fetid Swamp runs strong there.

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