Rerunning This With a Picture This Time, To Illustrate Just How Clueless Biden Is – IOTW Report

Rerunning This With a Picture This Time, To Illustrate Just How Clueless Biden Is

35 Comments on Rerunning This With a Picture This Time, To Illustrate Just How Clueless Biden Is

  1. What happens when your military goes full woketard and has an incompetent commander in chief who can’t even remember what flavor ice cream he had an hour before.

  2. @Brad: “Well at least our war fighters are woke. I’m expecting pregnant women on the front lines.”

    It just occurred to me: if the progs start drafting women, they’ll also have to start drafting abortionists.

  3. So, is this how they’ve set up his resignation?

    There’s a new pic out now of Joe sitting alone in the situation room. I guess more people couldn’t be in there with him because of the mask mandate and their vax status. It’s not good optics whoever decided tthat photo showed Joe’s strength or whatevs. He just looks feeble as h*ll.

  4. Our military has been under control of our State Department since Trump left. Feckless twenty somethings that know everything.
    Then again, the puppet government we set up never had a chance without our military. We were training the JV, the Taliban just needed us out of the way.
    Lot of dicks gonna’ get wet tonight. Their troops going to celebrate for days.

  5. I wonder if those Taliban fighters are announcing their preferred pronouns?
    This is a shameful day for our great country. We will pay for Biden’s blunder for years.
    The Afghan citizens are paying for Biden’s blunder right now.
    I miss President Trump!

  6. It wasn’t Biden’s blunder. This sequence of events was inevitable. We could have had better optics by evacuating the Embassy before the troops were pulled. And that’s about it. We tried to inflict a foreign style of government on a tribal society.

  7. The Taliban are winning because the Dems need the Heroin route restored. Lori Lighthead’s people are having to go without. Canada need reduce the costs of their free handouts.
    If Trump were in charge, this would have been over months ago, before it got to Kabul.

    Free meth, heroin, and cocaine given to users outside Canadian police precinct

  8. Nobody has mentioned the venerable CH-47 in the photo. Commonly referred to as the Shit Hook (Chinook) by troops, the Army version has slippery floors from various leaking fluids that for some reason the Air Force models lack. Being an Army puke that flew in both, I never found out why. Had my suspicions though.

  9. That picture of the husk in the situation room says it all. He looks totally different in a suit, as in more robust, if that is possible. In that short sleeve shirt, he looks incredibly frail & old. That is scary. I truly wonder how much longer he will last.

  10. “Imagine what Russia, China, Iran and N Korea are thinking about the vaunted US military, intelligence services and political leadership.”

    The same thing every single American citizen who has been paying attention is thinking, what’s your point?

  11. It’s inevitable that joey pants is gone, but the 2nd stringers are no better, probably worse. America has pulled itself out of the mud before but with these amateurs in there it’s not looking good.

  12. “And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars; see that ye be not troubled: for these things must needs come to pass; but the end is not yet.”
    (dead white dude)

    Fuck Afghanistan: we had no reason to be there – let Putin handle it.
    (this is in NO WAY support for the Biden Plan)

    izlamo delenda est …


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