Researchers Pioneer Early Alzheimer’s Detection – IOTW Report

Researchers Pioneer Early Alzheimer’s Detection


It includes a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan that is taken on a 1.5 Tesla machine. Researchers have derived this technique from the algorithm developed to detect and classify cancer tumors. That is now being used to detect Alzheimer in the brain. After several experiments this technique has been termed as successful. In almost 98 per cent of the cases, this technique was successful in detecting whether a person had Alzheimer or not. It was also able to distinguish between the stages of the disease. More

6 Comments on Researchers Pioneer Early Alzheimer’s Detection

  1. Alzheimer’s is a horrible debilitating disease for both the sufferer and the family. Having a president stricken with this malady is horrible times 334,808,183.

  2. The common misconception these days is that everything is Alzheimer’s. It isn’t.

    Many people just have serious arteriosclerosis of the brain box which shows up as empty patches, i.e., holes in your head. And you don’t need a 1.5 Tesla machine to see it. It also tends to develop over decades and you can still live to 100 (even though you’re then as dumb as a box of rocks).


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