Researchers Use Yellow Dye No. 5 to Make Mice Transparent – IOTW Report

Researchers Use Yellow Dye No. 5 to Make Mice Transparent

Live Science

 A common food dye can turn the skin of living mice transparent, enabling researchers to peer inside the body without surgery.

This is the first time scientists have used the technique to visualize the tissues of living mice under the microscope. They used a food-safe dye, which can likely be found in snacks in your pantry, and several fundamental physics principles to render the mice see-through. More

12 Comments on Researchers Use Yellow Dye No. 5 to Make Mice Transparent

  1. That reminds me of the episode of the Simpsons where Homer wanted to see if some potato chips were sufficiently greasy. He rubbed one on the wall and he could see outside. He was satisfied.

  2. Wow, if they figure out how to use this on people the health care costs would go down, the exposure to radiation and dangerous dyes and ingested chemicals could go down.
    I wonder what made them think of this?


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