RFK Jr. WILL Run as 3rd Party Candidate – IOTW Report

RFK Jr. WILL Run as 3rd Party Candidate

Does this help or hurt Trump?

Red State-

2024 presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. plans to announce he will run as an independent on October 9 in Pennsylvania, Mediaite has learned.

Kennedy’s campaign machine is now planning “attack ads” against the Democratic National Committee in order to “pave the way” for his announcement in Philadelphia about running as an independent, according to a text reviewed by Mediaite.

“Bobby feels that the DNC is changing the rules to exclude his candidacy so an independent run is the only way to go,” a Kennedy campaign insider told Mediaite.

He’s supposed to formally announce his independent run on October 9 in Pennsylvania.


24 Comments on RFK Jr. WILL Run as 3rd Party Candidate

  1. He’ll be a splitter, but for both sides.

    Democrats tend to vote more in lockstep, and they always have ways to manipulate votes anyway, so it won’t make a huge difference either way but will probably end up a slight Dem advantage.

  2. It would present a problem for the ballot fraudsters since it would no longer be a binary choice. They will have to thread the needle and make the counts look plausible, or add more ballots for there guy well beyond the number of voters on the rolls.

  3. Depends on who the demonrats choose to attempt to usurp the Presidency.
    They’re probably not going to stick with the Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey – he’s becoming a liability.
    As luvnthebigsites states above, it somewhat complicates the planned (and mostly in place) electoral fraud.
    The traitors may have to re-print some millions of their phony mail-in ballots.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. It could be as follows: Loathesome nominates Commieliar, Loathesome becomes VP, Pedo resigns after pardoning himself and entire crime family, Loathesome becomes incumbent President.

    I suspect however that the half black Jesus will not yield to the CA mafia, and Commieliar becomes President and issues pardons, then steps aside for Manchelle/Loathesome ticket.

  5. Oh and option 2 neuters a third party threat from RFK and Cornball West…

    Chicago Mafia trumps CA mafia. Loathsome gets VP as a sop.wo

    No way will ValzJar allow Demonrats to nominate a straight white male over a black woman.

  6. There is a lot of discussion about VP change prior to the election, but any VP would have to be approved by the House. It won’t come up, for that reason alone if not for other reasons.

  7. Long-shot scenario: If there’s a snowballs chance in hell that RFK will run on a 3rd party ticket, and Steal votes from Trump, look for Ron DeSanctimonius to be his running mate. The DINO/RINO ticket.

  8. He faces SERIOUS hurdles. Go to Richard Winger’s great site : ballot-access.org to see just how horrible the hurdles are that republicans and democrats have put to getting on the ballot in every state. In GA for instance, NO third party candidate has been able to qualify for a US House race since 1934!! The democrats will pull out all the stops to keep him off the ballot – count on it.

  9. And then we would have had the hand grenade with a bad haircut like Rush used to call him for President. No thanks. Third Party candidates never win, just ask Wm. Jennings Bryan, George Wallace, the Dixiecrats in the late 40’s with the racist Strom Thurman as their candidate and even the socialist Eugene Debs back during the Woodrow Wilson Progressive era days.

  10. I will say he is the only one talking about Black Rock and the Chinese buying all the properties and housing in the US and artificially keeping prices higher this needs to be on more people’s radar. They will control jobs and housing that is not acceptable we’re selling away our kids future in every aspect now


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