Ridiculous – IOTW Report


From the Bullpen- MMinAR

Shocking new series ‘Cracka’ glorifies the killing and raping of white people

Has to be seen to believed. This series has no winners, and the moral is lost on me.

Is it simply revenge porn, because blacks come off very badly in this clip?

If whites were the devil for what they did to blacks, what is “flipping the script” accomplishing?

There’s a quick clip where we see a Trump 2020 bumper sticker, so, the reason for this series is not lost on me. But the thing of it is, I think this will backfire. I think this will do nothing but red-pill people.

18 Comments on Ridiculous

  1. …this isn’t a fictional flipping the script. Whites DO get killed and raped by Blacks in FAR higher numbers than the reverse, and it’s going on NOW, IRL, in every Black population center.

    …so are you sure it’s not a documentary?

    …’cause your not supposed to TALK about it ’till the genocide is COMPLETE…

  2. Who knew!
    Hitler could have made a fortune making these movies featuring his future killing off of the Jews, Gypsies and the other Undermench in the concentration camps he wanted built. He was asleep at the switch of history. (sarc)

  3. BLM will lead to genocide. After everyone that looks white they will murder everyone that is some other skin color. Ans it won’t stop until something stops them.

    They are insane.

  4. This fetid sewage should be BANNED from airing. There is NOTHING redeeming in this that can be helpful to the violent situation we are already facing. The next thing will be a movie planning the assassination of political leaders whom they oppose.
    The general population should be outraged by this incendiary provocation.
    This was made for no other reason than to throw more gasoline on the fire. I’d say rise up and block whoever created this garbage. Call your local senators and congressmen to send a message that this is absolutely unacceptable. We should have our OWN cancel culture.

  5. The numbers SNS, are over 550,000 violent inter racial(B v W) crimes were committed in 2018. Over 500,000 of them were black on white.

    Numbers from the WaPo show 9 unarmed blacks were killed by police in 2019 and 14 unarmed whites.

    Here Tucker Carlson breaks it down

    Most of the “unarmed” blacks had either attempted to get the officer’s weapon or had gotten the taser and fired at them, all resisted arrest.

  6. A white conservative friend of mine was just stopped and harrassed by a (white) federal national park cop while driving through Yellowstone. His infraction was “going too slow”. He was going 35 in a 45 zone because he was looking at the scenery and wildlife and not holding up traffic. He was treated very rudely, interrogated about weapons, and was given a verbal warning. Point is it could be starting already.

  7. It’s one thing to depict it on a screen, but it’s suicide to try it in the real world. Anytime you think you’re bad enough assholes. The only thing more pathetic than the show itself are the White people who agreed to play in it

  8. I’ll not watch the clip as I already have decided a bunch of motherrapers must die! I have read bits about this “program” and have been disgusted. Either the magic meteor shows up or a fukcing shooting war stars… I am not sure that I care either way.
    Took my oath already. WWG1WGA

  9. I’ve always believed that the activist black population will not be satisfied until whites are their slaves. Everything else (civil rights act, affirmative action, black history month, Juneteenth, etc, etc) is merely the appetizer. The main course is white submission.

    But at the end of the day, just like an addict, white submission will not satisfy the unhappy black man. They need to look internally for their redemption.


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