Right On the Heels of Me Making Fun of Writer Hailing Muslim Boy as Hero for Being Compassionate to Dog… – IOTW Report

Right On the Heels of Me Making Fun of Writer Hailing Muslim Boy as Hero for Being Compassionate to Dog…

Some moron progressive writer tried to get us to reexamine our harsh stance on not admitting Syrians into the west, willy-nilly, because, after all, a boy took care of a dog that was found by the side of the road, injured.

It was a classic case of displaying lowered expectations, revealing one’s repressed feelings about a group for all to witness.

Well, right on cue, Muslims strap a bomb to a puppy.

Aleon made passing reference to this in the comments. I had to look it up to see if was true.



13 Comments on Right On the Heels of Me Making Fun of Writer Hailing Muslim Boy as Hero for Being Compassionate to Dog…

  1. Liberalism is a mental disorder. Hate makes that disorder worse, and the typical leftist vitriol destroys any legitimate outrage that may actually be justified. For example, if a lefty feels hatred a a 9.5 on a 10-scale because Trump was elected, he/she/it will have no more room for legitimate outrage if something truly bad or harmful occurs.

    Also, to the mass majority of us who observe this Free Freakshow From Faraway (alliteration!), we lose the capacity to feel compassion for any circumstance which may legitimately befall these people. If everything they have to say falls between 9.5 and 10.0, we soon turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to their incessant, angry, caterwauling.

  2. Dog’s-little children-old and young woman, the muslims don’t care who dies for their cause just as long as it’s not the guy giving the orders. Prepare to meet GOD if you mess with me or my family- 🙂 have a nice day..

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