RIP Brian Dennehy – IOTW Report

RIP Brian Dennehy

35 Comments on RIP Brian Dennehy

  1. “Brian passed away last night from natural causes, not Covid-related.”

    It will still be counted as a Covid 19 death (and he’ll still continue to vote–but only for democrats).

  2. No way … I loved this actor. No matter whatever role he played he made the entire production worth watching. R.I.P. Mr. Dennehy. 😢
    I will miss seeing you on the screens.

  3. “A fair and speedy trial, followed by a first class hanging”
    RIP, Mr Dennehy.
    May the Lord be more merciful to you than you were planning to be to Kevin Costner. (wink/grin)
    (Silverado. Best. Western. Eveh)

  4. …I know why they do the COVID disclaimer now and God bless the family for depriving the Democrats of an opportunity to score cheap political points off of a loved one’s still-cooling corpse, but may God curse those bastards that have CAUSED this so they can TAKE, and TAKE, and TAKE, while promoting the devil’s favorite spirit, fear, just because of their gnawing need to rule us for THEIR profit.

    I mean, it’s a good thing to include that so people aren’t afraid to come to a frigging FUNERAL in those places where Democrat minions haven’t already outlawed homegoing services, and maybe they are sparing families and mourners from having to quarentine for two weeks because their employers are so jumpy, but we don’t do that for ALL the OTHER infectious diseases, just the political football one.

    And I’ve buried people before. You’ve got a LOT of other things to think about in your grief.

    You don’t have time to update everyone on the COVID status of a corpse.

    …if you’re worried about catching Democrat Disease more than you are reminiscing, celebrating a life, and comforting those that have lost a son, daughter, wife, husband, father, mother, sister, or brother…you know what?

    Do us a favor. Just stay the hell at home.

    No one needs your fears, your cowardace, your masking, your craven queries about “is it safe?”

    No one needs your drama.

    I was locked out of my father’s cemetary before his birthday, causing me to break 20 years of tradition by celebrating his homegoing in my way, with my family, 10 days early.

    A cemetary.


    For COVID fears.

    Anyone who’s been to a cemetary can tell you that folks aren’t exactly crowding in to visit the long dead, nor are they having massive parties.

    Damn the Democrats for doing this to us.

    Damn them to hell.

  5. He was a working actor for a long time. His most recent is now in post-production.

    I first noticed him in First Blood and thought he did an outstanding job as a small town sheriff.

  6. Is it just me or is the world losing a lot of elderly actors and musicians in the last couple of months?
    R.I.P. Mr. Dennehy. You gave many people a reason to go to the movies. Thanks for the entertainment. You will be missed. You did your job well.

  7. Back around 1990 I was in a ghelson grocery store and marveling at how straight packed the aisles were when a voice behind me said “ want some fun ? Take a few items and push them in or pull them forward “. It was Brian dennehy …I recognized him right off and before I could say anything he was shuffling the shelves so I joined…the store was in the valley and had a coffee bar which I joined with him. The guy had humor, was having a good time and we talked for half an hour..I knew a few people in common with him so we gossiped away…then, finished we got up and went to the aisle and it had been repaired. We shook hands laughing and he said that he loved this grocery and each left for home…I have been around in life so I can take measure of character quickly…Brian was a man, not a saver, same, and it was the woman’s job to budget..the world has taken a loss…rip. Stallone will be saddened as they are from the same mold..

  8. Funny..the one time I met Brian he spoke of service on some island and joked that I should never fall for pr pressure and sell your soul..I had no idea what he was talking about until later…bothered by guilt i guess..

  9. Great actor.
    I know Miami Vice was a load of schlock, but Dennehy played a awesome betrayal of a televangelist in “Amen… Send Money” (S4 E2).

    Also, he was one of my favorite aliens in the Cocoon franchise.

  10. Oh man…loved him, so sad…Gladiator, not the best movie in the world but I liked it, he made the movie better than it would have been without him. “Make them think you’re weak when you’re really strong”


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