RIP Charlotte – IOTW Report

RIP Charlotte


What a beautiful girl. She was 16 when she passed.

Charlotte was reader Eugenia’s “therapy cat,” and she helped her through some very tough times in her life. This is what our animals do for us, and we are happy to honor their service on iOTWreport.

33 Comments on RIP Charlotte

  1. Our cat Mr.Squeakers stayed by my wife’s side for 2 years while she fought melanoma.
    I believe he knew she was sick.Then 2 years later he also died of cancer.

  2. She was a pretty cat. I am sorry for your loss Eugenia.
    Calicos are interesting. They are not a breed, but a genetic anomaly.
    My daughter did a research project on them in elementary school. Her teacher didn’t believe her and gave her a bad grade. We had our vet call the teacher and explain genetics to her. How embarrassing…

  3. Eugenia, tears here for your sweet and beloved Charlotte and for your sadness. I, too, have been owned and directed by various wonderful kitty cats all my life, and when they go, they always leave precious memories and that empty place in our hearts and homes only they can fill. I pray that you will be comforted.

  4. I know you’re hurting, Eugenia. They are like a member of the family. What I have learned in the last 2 years after raising 5 kittens, is they think you belong to them and they are going to teach you how to behave. They are lots of comfort. My best wishes and hope you’ll adopt another. There are so many who need good homes and not to be put to sleep. May the Lord bless.

  5. Eugenia, so sorry for the loss of Charlotte. Beautiful kitty! I have a cat who I estimate to be 18-19 years. I know the day is coming and how sad that will be. Our pets are such loving companions!

  6. I am sorry for your loss and are now grieving. It helped me some time ago when I saw a motivational poster in a leadership course I was in:

    “Don’t cry because it is over, smile because it occured”.

    Some times no words can take away the hurt, but a different perspective can.

  7. May Charlotte be forever chasing heavenly laser pointers…and catch that pesky red dot every once in a while!

    Much sympathy from Uncle Al. As soon as you can face it, head down to your cat rescue folks and take a look around. I’m sure you’ll make eye contact with some nice kitty who you didn’t know you couldn’t live without until that moment.

  8. Charlotte was buddy during invasive carcinoma 14 years ago. Funny how animals can provide better comfort than people at times. She recently developed lymphoma and went down hill quickly.

  9. Eugenia, this hurts. Bad. Charlotte was a beautiful lady and you will miss her greatly.

    I liked daveinsocal’s quote: “Don’t cry because it is over, smile because it occurred”. I will try to remember that since I’m still dealing with Ivan’s death 3 years ago this month.

    You will be able to smile some day. I will pray for you.

    Now, I have to go hug my Zoe kitty.

  10. My kitty was 23 when she passed. I’m not a bit ashamed to admit I bawled when I held her as the vet ended her pain. I feel for your loss. daveinsocal’s quote is spot-on. We’ve had lots of kitties and they’re each special. Hate to lose them but glad they owned us for awhile.

  11. Thank you BFH for posting this. The kind words and stories from others really help. I was feeling extremely sorry for myself until I saw the post and picture. Today is my birthday and my present to myself will be a BFH portrait of Charlotte. Later I’ll get the photos together, e-mail them and see what magic BFH can work.
    Charlotte’s portrait will join the wonderful portrait of Rascal who passed away last New Year.

    The last 3 weeks Charlotte was sleeping beside my head. I got 1/4 of the pillow and she got 3/4ths. It was hard to sleep last night until Sylvia the German-Canadian-American chubby cat decided to park beside my head. The booger had just used the litter box and brought a special aroma with her. The joys of being a slave to cats.

    I feel so much better and will be heading to the guaranteed Moslem- free zone, the local barbecue restaurant to smother my sorrows in pulled pork, hot sauce, onions, fried okra and Luzianne.

    Thank you BFH and IOTWer’s. You’re the best.

  12. Um, Uncle Al that already happened. A cat was taken to our vet to be euthanized because she was getting under the owner’s feet. She is such a sweet heart the tech didn’t want to euthanize and called me. They know I am a sucker for sob stories. Another relative of the owner had shot out the cat’s eye some time ago.

    So now there is a sweet, affectionate tiger tabby with one eye who just moved in.

  13. Eugenia, after I lost my precious darling cat, I found this wonderfully comforting poem by Kahlil Gibran.

    When you are sorrowful
    Look in your heart
    And you shall see
    That in truth you are weeping
    For that which has been your delight.

    I believe our pets go to Heaven and Charlotte will be there when you arrive.

  14. Wow, what great posts. I have tears, Ooolook. Mr. Higgins, my Yorkiepoo who thinks all cats are great and need to be befriended (until he gets his nose swiped), sends his own blessing since he is a sea dog: Fair winds and following seas, catster.

  15. Eugenia — So sorry for your loss. Calico cats are the best. I had two growing up. Coco (who died at 4 from feline leukemia) and my best bud, Sapphire, who blessed me with her presence for 14 years.

    Every time we lose a furry, we grieve.

    Since losing Sophie and Teddy within a five year time frame, I have come to realize that my heart isn’t so much broken with their passing as it was filled while they were in my life.

    Hope your new kitty brings you tremendous pleasure and comfort!

  16. I just read about you loss, and you have my deepest sympathy. My wife and I lost one of our cats last week. Cancer ended Zoey’s short life. She was only 5-1/2 years old. Despite having 5 other cats, the house sure seems quite. I’m so glad you found another cat who needed you as much as you needed her.

  17. We had to put our beloved Chaucer down last Monday, so I know what Eugenia’s going through. I too believe he’ll be there to greet me when it’s my turn to pass over.
    I’m glad we got a BFH portrait of him last year–it captured his spirit to a “T”.

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