RIP Dick Van Dyke – IOTW Report

RIP Dick Van Dyke


No, he’s not “technically” dead.

He’s just dead to me.

Dick Van Dope just came out, HARD, for Bernie Sanders. And that’s not the worst of it. He praised TAVIS SMILY as, I quote, “being a little island of sanity in all this chaos? We watch you every night. It’s such a pleasure.”

So long, DICK.

26 Comments on RIP Dick Van Dyke

  1. Holy Cow!! Someone of his age-89 does not suddenly wake of one morning and decide he will embrace Socialism via Bernie Sanders, nope that kind of thinking has festered in him all these years. Seriously, how can someone who has lived that long be so dumb about life and human nature? Sad

  2. We need to learn to put our Court Jestures into proper perspective. How much IQ is required to sing, dance, or pretend to be some one else? That’s OK. Bernie will be taking their money and evenly distributing it between us. By the way Andy Griffith use to beat the hell out of Don Knotts during drinken fits. I knew I liked him. JK.

  3. Grumpy old leftists – of course Van Dyke supports Sanders. It’s usually difficult to detest a celebrity who grew up in your home town but, Van Dyke is the exception. He’s a mean, self-centered cuss. He’s not the happy-go-lucky loon he played in most of his movies.

  4. I have an old acquaintance that recently let me know that she was feeling the Bern. She runs her own small business, employs 3 people. Yeah I know…anyway

    She said the level of income inequality isn’t fair. I asked her how government taking more wealth from those that have it would help those that didn’t have it. She fell into the usual redistribution mantra and I asked if she made a profit in her business.

    Well yes. I asked if she divided up that profit and split it with her employees. Humhumhumma.

    She said it was different when Wal-Mart wouldn’t pay their workers a living wage, they made so much money. I asked her what she would do if one of her employees came to her with a list of their expenses and wanted a salary that would cover them regardless of their skill set. Humhumhummma

    She just stammered…fairness.

    They’re hopeless

  5. Wasn’t impressed when I heard he had dumped his first wife who supported his ass until he’d made the big time. Only watched the Dick Van Dyke Show to see MTM. Liked him even less after his lousy performance in “Mary Poppins.” Really began to dislike him when I lived in SoCal in the 70’s and met a few people in the “biz” who had dealings with the prick – consensus was that he was a GIANT DOUCHE NOZZLE! Extremely rude, demanding, self-serving and miserable to work with.

    Was channel surfing once and caught part of a scene from “Diagnosis, Murder” (NEVER watched it) where Dick cruelly abused a horse by repeatedly jerking the reins HARD, trying to make it look like the horse was being unruly. Thought, “what a friggin A-hole! Somebody needs to put a bit in his mouth and jerk his head around…..”

    To become such a giant HAM, your brains need to be salted, smoked, and cured.

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