RIP Max – IOTW Report


From Hambone:

Our beloved Maine Coon cat, Max, has lost the battle with his illness. Four different vets couldn’t diagnose exactly what it was, but it was a neurological issue.

Being a Maine Coon, he was huge and magnificent with striking features and very long, soft and flowing fur. He could stand on the kitchen floor and put his enormous front paws on the countertop a look around to see what was going on up there.

When we got Max, we already had two adult cats. Since he was a tiny kitten, we referred to him as ‘Little One’. The name stuck even though Max soon towered over his brothers. Max was a gentle giant and played well with others.

His favorite pastime was to sit among the deer in our back yard as they ate corn. He served as their lookout and they seemed to enjoy his presence.

On Friday, we regretfully had to make the decision to end his suffering. He now rests with his predecessors, Benny and Bastet, in the little cat cemetery on the back of our property. Max was only two and a half years old.

Max was truly a part of our family and brought my wife and me much comfort, joy and companionship. He will be sorely missed but never forgotten.

RIP Max!

36 Comments on RIP Max

  1. Should have named him “Majestic.”

    (Not a cat lover (though cats love me for some reason), but I do have a fondness for special male cats who act like dogs. And it’s only the males that occasionally do, I’ve observed.)

  2. What a bummer, @Hambone. It’s always tough when our close companions leave us, and it sure sounds like Max was especially close. Very sorry.

    Next step: got any good cat rescue outfits in your area? Last year, we lost our kitty and we agreed that it would be quite a while before we would consider another adoption.

    It took 10 days. Now we have a sibling pair of domestic long-hairs whom we got as kittens, and we absolute adore having them as household members. I think they like us, too. At least they haven’t tried very hard to kill us yet! (-:

  3. RIP Max.

    Your nine lives here have ended
    my loving furry friend,
    and you’ve been called to heaven
    to live life number ten.
    It’s so hard to lose a pet
    who’s loved as much as you,
    but God and all His angels
    are going to love you too.

    I’ll bet you’re lying peacefully
    upon an angel’s lap.
    Purring there without a care,
    enjoying a heavenly nap.

    Oh how I will miss you.
    But time will pass and then,
    one day I’ll call your name
    and you’ll be on my lap again.
    – Ron Tranmer

  4. @Marco

    God made them astoundingly beautiful creatures, from house cats up to the biggest Siberian Tiger. Sleek and athletic – till they get fat and lazy, like people do.

    They love warmth and comfort and will always find the most comfortable place in the house for a snooze, preferably in a ray of sunshine.

  5. What a beautiful boy! I’m so sorry for your loss.

    We love our Maine Coons too. Dascha has passed but the other sleeps behind me all day in my home office, waking to accompany me around the house, and then sleeping at the foot of my bed at night. He’s the closest cat I’ve ever had to being a dog.

  6. Dearest Hambone, I’m so sorry for your family’s loss of Max.
    It’s so hard to lose a special friend. I, too, just lost my very beloved Jax. It was unexpected and horrible. It’s the first loss of a cat friend in which I didn’t get to say good-bye.


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