BREAKING: Robert Barnes, who is representing the families of the #CovingtonCatholic students, is giving the media, celebrities or anyone who made false statement about them, 48-hrs to retract, correct and apologize or next week you will find yourself as a defendant in a lawsuit.
𝕊𝕋𝔼𝕍𝔼™️ (@RealMAGASteve) January 23, 2019
29 Comments on Robert Barnes, Lawyer for Covington Kids, Gives 48 Hours For the Media To Fully Retract All Libel and Slander Against His Clients
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Hee hee! Can’t wait to see what Kathy Griffin does.
He got that vile Ilhan Omar to delete the libelous tweet she sent out last night. I guess the fear of a lawsuit outweighs her desire to spew her bigotry.
I wish him well, and success.
Does this include the Diocese of Covington?
Maybe the insane leftist mob is right, maybe white male teenagers really are too dumb to live;
Mr. Barnes,
Anything we can do?
Crowd source us.
We can help.
We’ll do it.
Sue the archdioceses too, and law enforcement for not following up on death threats.
Sue them all through the floor.
Why does he give them warning?
JustAL has the right idea.
Is Robert Barnes a White Supremacist yet?
And all you other Robert Barneses out there, watch your back. The Twitter mobs are not very discerning.
Godspeed, Mr Barnes. The Left must be busy looking for a speck in your life to discredit you.
Can we send this fine man a LIST so he doesn’t miss any of the slanderers?
48 hours? Give them till 6pm today. I hope he sticks it up their assess and makes them cry for mercy!
No, they haven’t called Barnes a White Supremacist yet.
But the Washington Post refers to him as “a lawyer popular in pro-Trump circles.”
@ Dianny JANUARY 23, 2019 AT 12:07 PM
“No, they haven’t called Barnes a White Supremacist yet.
But the Washington Post refers to him as “a lawyer popular in pro-Trump circles.”
Well, he’s popular NOW!
They have to do this. They have to fight. Because 10 years from now, when the kids are trying to get a corporate job or start their own business, the BS lies are going to follow them. Otherwise, they’ll have to carry around a video of what actually happened to prove they were innocent.
“Hee hee! Can’t wait to see what Kathy Griffin does.”
Gladys, as of this AM, she was tripling down. She’s mental, so this lawsuit would be considered ‘good exposure’ for her. LOL.
If you have to have a lawyer, get one who is as mean as a snake.
Barnes says at the very start of the video “the law says to say anything false about them is libel”. No, that’s slander. Minor point I know, but I would hope my lawyer would instinctively know the difference.
But I DO hope he squeezes them like toothpaste tube.
F4UCorsair, you made me look:
•Libel x Slander:
“Two torts that involve the communication of false information about a person, a group, or an entity such as a corporation.
—Libel is any Defamation that can be seen, such as a writing, printing, effigy, movie, or statue.
—Slander is any defamation that is spoken and heard.
Collectively known as defamation, libel and slander are civil wrongs that harm a reputation; decrease respect, regard, or confidence; or induce disparaging, hostile, or disagreeable opinions or feelings against an individual or entity.”
@Dianny; just taking down a tweet is not enough. They have to be made to acknowledge they wrote it and unconditionally apologize to all involved as well as a promise to be far more careful in the future. Make them grovel.
I think the fun part is going to be the ones that already took down offensive (possibly criminal) tweets/comments that are wondering whether they can whistle past the grave yard on this or that they’ll be surprised with copies that people took.
Yes, of course. Any democrat who flagrantly violates the law will be let off free if they say ‘i’m sorry’
meanwhile, flynn papadopolous and all the rest of trump people are being stampeded into jail for nothing.
that’s the way it always is i for one am fed up with it.
Remember when Clapper and Brennan committed the crimes of lying to congress? Off scott free.
Now the democrats say they want to investigate Kavanaugh for purjury. Think they’ll let him off scott free?
It’s like this because we bend over and take it.
I have a great amount of respect for the young man who smiled and tried to de_escalate a very tense situation. I might be embarrassed to tell you what would have happened if these terrorists would have come upon my class of ’81’. Would have been a very different conversation about it today.My hat is off to those young people and their self control. Set the record straight now! Or watch heads roll.
I just sent a terse email to Bishop Foy, of the Covington diocese. What a disgrace.
He needs to focus on the school administrators while he’s at it.
I’m assuming all of you here are beating the bushes (like me) to find those slanderous posts, tweets, and online comments and send this guy’s office a copy?
We need more of honest and brave attorneys like Mr. Barnes. Best of luck to you sir and God bless. You’re fighting for a good cause!