Rudy Giuliani Explains How “Pop” Biden Wetted His Beak In Hunter’s Ill-Gotten Gains – IOTW Report

Rudy Giuliani Explains How “Pop” Biden Wetted His Beak In Hunter’s Ill-Gotten Gains

In a special edition of the former mayor’s YouTube Channel, former prosecutor Rudy Giuliani lays out in one e-mail between Hunter Biden and Naomi Biden (Hunter’s daughter) how the kickbacks and payoff were distributed among the Biden family members.

It’s more mafia than nuclear family within the Biden clan. Cut to 5:00 minute mark for the presentation of the incriminating e-mail. Watch

29 Comments on Rudy Giuliani Explains How “Pop” Biden Wetted His Beak In Hunter’s Ill-Gotten Gains






  2. Anyone see the pic of Hunter suckling the crack pipe…IN BED?



    And Barron testing for WhuFlu is more important to the ‘press’ than Hunter being a piece of corrosive SHIT.

    What a dis-grace.

  3. Rudy:
    Federal Prosecutor and cleaned up the mob and his OWN peeps.
    After that? Mayor of New York to create a better New York City, a better quality of life after ‘tennis playing’ Dinkins. May his wife RIP btw…

    Biden Family: RICO Act.

    Rudy said on his show today he would LOVE to prosecute ‘the case’…he basically said that they have tried to fuck with him and his family and he ain’t having that either.

    He should have been AG to begin with…

  4. Whew. I have to admit I was worried about nothing. I feel stupid for doubting Rudy. This is the best October Surprise ever. Just watching the media—social and legacy—shit themselves all day has been amazing. I can’t wait for the town hall Thursday night. How are they going to suppress this stuff?

  5. Look, Rudy Giuliani has had this information for almost a year now. He has held onto it, so that he can release it as an October surprise to help get DJT elected. Rather than turning it over to the FBI to criminally investigate and prosecute these gangsters under federal R.I.C.O laws.

    No. What does Giuliani choose to do with this evidence of criminal activity? Play political games.

    I keep saying this over and over again. There is no justice. Oh sure, there is punitive punishments for the peasantry. But there is absolutely zero legal consequences for the political class flagrantly breaking International and domestic law.

    They are literally above the law. This is not a conspiracy theory. This is a criminal conspiracy against the people of the United States of America.

    Why are you not more angry?

  6. So what he’s a Yankee fan? Ha ha…

    Move on! God Bless YOU @ ThirdTwin in your epiphany.

    Rudy has been talking about this for quite some time and the NYPost was the BEST source to go to!!!! For the LEAK.

    OR the story, the NYPost knew they can trust the former Mayor.

    Yes the New York Post has / had a conservative editorial BENT forever and the best front covers…ever.


    Yeah, that Post.

  7. Meanwhile we have people that debate an October surprise….on OUR part for once.

    Meaning, you have an asshole like @Mohammed’s pink swastika saying bullshit about ‘political games’. Don’t you understand Rudy had to pull his info together asshole? What? Does this happen like POOF for you?

    Were politcal games being played when a COUP was going on in 2016?

    Like I said BRING.IT. You jerk.

    Oh, ‘not more angry’? Angry for what? Please tell me, from that comment.

  8. Rudy = 76 – likes garlic pickles.
    Joe B = 78 – pickled.

    Uhhhh, I’ll take Rudy…

    And Rudy took over when Roger STONE got semi-prosecuted.

    Very very New York in defending the Donald.

  9. Rudy did NOT bury this! @mmm – maybe they did, okay so they did but not Rudy and you meant FIBBERS, no?

    That ‘all of a sudden theory’ is complete BULLSHIT. He has been talking about this for months. You know why I know?

    I listened to him while quarantined!! FOR MONTHS.

    He said it OVER and OVER for weeks about Biden, but NO ONE WANTED IT.

    Got that?

    FINALLY the NYPost pics it up now? Is that an October Surprise??

    We have three weeks left?!!?


  10. ghost, sorry if I was unclear.

    I was referring to the FBI burying the hard drive.

    I am not criticizing Rudy. His videos interviewing whistle blowers are great and I appreciate Rudy’s hard work.

  11. That’s true, the FBI has had the information. But it just solidifies my position that there is no justice. The FBI investigating Government officials is a joke. They would be investigating themselves!!! They were the ones acting out the malfeasance ordered by the government. Against a private citizen. Remember, DJT is not a professional politician.

    That’s the point though isn’t it?

    What private citizen in there right mind would put themselves though this nightmare? This was all an establishment power play. Outsiders are not welcome in the inner sanctum of the the cult of the bureaucratic establishment.

  12. October Surprise’s are absolute BULLSHIT!! An honest LEO does not hold on to evidence until it’s politically convenient. They pursue wrongdoing and lawbreaking when they have the evidence to make a case. I’m (like so many of us) disgusted with everyone involved!

  13. @mmm- sorry not meant towards ya…

    “maybe they did, okay so they did but not Rudy and you meant FIBBERS, no?” Meaning I agree the FIB was completely holding back.

    I picked up on your FIB comment and DUG it so much I turned it into FIBBERS to ‘mess them up’…even more.

    IOW we can talk amoungst ourselves…cough/spit.

    @ Mohammed’s pink swastika – per your last post, perhaps I got YOU wrong?

  14. Whether you agree with Rudy’s timing or not, it did give the FBI plenty of time to take appropriate action before others beat them to the punch. It has been demonstrated that the FBI failed. They have failed too many times along political lines.

  15. It’s not very complicated: the US paid foreign aid to the Ukraine, and Biden made the Ukraine give it to Biden through his scummy son.

    Same with Pelosi’s son.

    Same with John Kerry’s family.

  16. Even if Rudy knew this and hid it away until now it would have been that he didnt trust the fbi at all with the info and knew it would all be buried so he saved it for this the election.

  17. Bidens and Clintons enriching themselves through government service…wake me when someone is wearing an orange jump suit. Corruption is systemic in politics and in life.


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