Russian Election Interference? HEY CONGRESS! SENATE! PASS a LAW by @Mr_Pinko – IOTW Report

Russian Election Interference? HEY CONGRESS! SENATE! PASS a LAW by @Mr_Pinko

Russian Election Interference? HEY CONGRESS! SENATE! PASS a LAW by @Mr_Pinko

Call it the “Election Purity Act” – “Election Tamper-Free Act” “Un-Obstruct Election Act” “Russian Interference Election Act” or come up with a name. (I smell a contest)

SEE THE LAW with the in-arguable REASON HERE

Russian Election Interference? HEY CONGRESS! SENATE! PASS a LAW by @Mr_Pinko

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6 Comments on Russian Election Interference? HEY CONGRESS! SENATE! PASS a LAW by @Mr_Pinko

  1. To vote here in Guam, you have to have the forms
    showing you are a citizen of Guam. A picture ID, be
    active in the voter registration database for YOUR village,
    and they check you against the village registration with your
    picture id at the polls before you vote, and then mark you
    off their list.

    This is the island of thieves…..they don’t trust anybody.

    I’m all for it!!!

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