San Francisco Archbishop: No communion for Nancy – IOTW Report

San Francisco Archbishop: No communion for Nancy

RedState: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is very fond of tossing her Catholicism around when she thinks it serves her narrative. But when it doesn’t — such as when she goes against basic Church teaching when it comes to abortion — she doesn’t seem to think that particular teaching applies to her or the policies that she pushes.

With the latest bill Democrats tried to push through the House, Pelosi was championing radical abortion access, up to the moment of birth. She also was encouraging abortion protests against the Supreme Court justices, specifically to try to change their minds — essentially endorsing ‘decision by intimidation.’

That may have been the last straw for San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone. Cordileone announced Friday that Pelosi is now banned from receiving Holy Communion because of her pro-abortion stance, until she formally and publicly renounces her position. Cordileone had previously warned Pelosi about her actions. Now, he has sent her a letter saying that she shouldn’t come up to Communion during mass because priests will not give her communion. more

25 Comments on San Francisco Archbishop: No communion for Nancy

  1. As a lifelong Methodist (but more a Christian who happens to be a Methodist) I see the communion table as open to all who would take Christ into their life. I see a person’s relationship with God as a direct one, and not something that a church leader has control over. So I don’t like this. But I also don’t like Nan wrapping herself in Christianity while preaching abortion up to (and beyond?) birth of the child.
    I guess it makes for good press.

  2. In the teaching of the Catholic Church–in which Abp. Cordileone believes absolutely and Nancy Pelosi professes to believe–his actions are valid, licit, and effectual, based upon these words of Jesus [in Matthew 16: 18-19]:

    “18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

    19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. ”

    “Binding” and “loosing” referring to forbidding or allowing [including or excluding] any individual to enter into the Kingdom.

    In the teaching of the Catholic Church, Abp. Cordileone has this authority. And Nancy Pelosi is now excluded from salvation unless she repents of her stance.

    Her being, in my opinion, a cultural Catholic at best, it won’t bother her much in her temporal life. However, she made a solemn profession of faith in the Catholic Church at some time in her life, and she will not escape eternal consequences if she remains unrepentant.

  3. @Cmn¢¢guy has it right—Nancy Pelosi’s allegiances are backwards.

    “No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” [Luke 16: 13; also in the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 6: 24]]

  4. You can see demons flowing put of her satanic mouth and behind her pitch black eyes.

    This sub human is a crawling mass of maggots and pure Luciferian evil.

    She will be with her master soon. She has served him from birth.

  5. Your preist is just doing his DUTY to GOD as defined in the BIBLE, and trying to keep you from damning yourself, Nancy.

    I capitalized the words you probably aren’t familiar with, Gran Nan. Study on your own time.

    But here’s the specific WORD OF THE LORD…

    “27 Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord.

    28 But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup.

    29 For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body.”
    1 Corinthians 11:27-29

    But go ahead and pule about it, Nancy. Don’t fix the SIN or follow the teachings of the Church you CLAIM to be part of the body of or anything, just complain that mean ol’ preisty won’t let you be a pretend Christian who isn’t impressing the actual LORD one little bit with her Communion play-acting.

    You’re not deceiving anyone but yourself.

    Good luck with that.

  6. I don’t care what “religion” you are – if you endorse killing babies and participate in its legislation, taking communion makes a mockery of God and fellow Christians. Those in church leadership have a responsibility to keep the communion ritual as holy as possible. Is God pleased with baby killers? It’s blasphemy to participate in such a sacred ritual. Piglosi and everyone else will be judged accordingly.

  7. So, what Level of Hell does she deserve?

    Of course, we can only speculate, but I’m thinking the IX Circle with long stopovers at III, IV and VIII along the way.

    Her support of abortion if only part of her criminality. Think about the depth of her fraud and being a traitor to the Constitution and truth itself.

  8. General Malaise May 21, 2022 at 3:32 pm

    So, what Level of Hell does she deserve?

    Of course, we can only speculate, but I’m thinking the IX Circle with long stopovers at III, IV and VIII along the way.

    Her support of abortion if only part of her criminality. Think about the depth of her fraud and being a traitor to the Constitution and truth itself.

    We as laymen, and grounded as to what the gospel says, and we see the sinfulness of what Pelosi legislates, how much more does God know about her than we do. I’ve seen no repentance forthcoming from Pelosi and her ilk. I can only read in the Scriptures what God has prepared for those who refuse to turned away from Him. I wouldn’t want infanticide hanging over my head.

    God is explicit in his Word.

    But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.” Matthew 19:14

  9. General Malaise
    MAY 21, 2022 AT 3:32 PM
    “So, what Level of Hell does she deserve?”

    …it’s not low enough but the 8th Circle should DEFINITELY be on her itenerary, as I REALLY like the idea of her getting the Vanni Fucci treatment…

    “Inferno XXV, 1-15. Vanni Fucci had been bitten by a serpent, instantly transformed into ashes, and then, like the phoenix, reconstituted into his former shape. This was his punishment for robbing the treasury of San Jacopo in the Church of San Zeno, Pistoia, in 1293. Here Vanni Fucci blasphemes against God with an obscene gesture. The flames rain down on him from the dark cloud above and serpents renew their attacks on him.”'Making%20Figs'%20Against%20God%201824%2D27&text=This%20was%20his%20punishment%20for,renew%20their%20attacks%20on%20him.

  10. She is a Cafeteria Catholic taking the few things she wants and leaving the rest for the common folk.

    I made the mistake of eye balling a liberal site and those uneducated morons are screaming the Bishop has violated ‘separation of church and state.’ Idiots. Seems to me they fail 2md Grade Civics

  11. SNS –

    “…it’s not low enough but the 8th Circle should DEFINITELY be on her itenerary, as I REALLY like the idea of her getting the Vanni Fucci treatment…”

    I found it interesting that I had the urge to review Dante’s Circle of Hell in order to make my comment. I was going to permanently assign her to ‘VIII’ but then realized that “traitor” is a ‘IX.’ So, ‘VIII’ is a ‘stopover’ – like a long hellish vacation before the bottom of the pit is reached. (The very bottom is permanently filled with a single occupant 🙂 )

    Thanks Goldenfoxx. I understand that it’s not our call, but I also can imagine, that, while any eternal failure in-progress (like Pelosi’s) saddens The Almighty, he can also have a sense of humor about it. At least for a bit.

    “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

    And as a mere mortal, I would add: “So does Earth.”

  12. Pfffft. To her, this is meaningless drivel. I doubt that even excommunication would change her mind. She’s a disciple of Lucifer and abortion is her sacrament.


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