San Francisco’s Millennium Tower Is sinking – IOTW Report

San Francisco’s Millennium Tower Is sinking


The engineer responsible for the ongoing retrofit of the troubled tower, Ron Hamburger, acknowledged last year what he called “horizontal movement” of the 10-foot-thick foundation mat, according to documents provided to the city and reviewed by NBC Bay Area.

In one analysis, engineers estimate the building had moved as much as half an inch, but Hamburger said in response to questions this week that the tower base has moved a full inch since construction. 

That movement, Hamburger acknowledged to city officials in August, is creating a widening gap between the 58-story high-rise and the mid-rise building adjacent to it, which houses a five-floor underground parking garage that serves the tower.

“Given the present westward tilt of the building, about 24 inches as measured at the roof, the gap between the two buildings in the east-west direction has widened by about 1 inch,” Hamburger said in a statement to NBC Bay Area.


23 Comments on San Francisco’s Millennium Tower Is sinking

  1. The headline says it’s sinking, the retrofitter says it’s going sideways and “it’s a given” that it’s tilting a couple of feet to the left. No bueno. Sounds like one of the town bums can’t stand up straight. Let’s hope it doesn’t take a shit on the sidewalk during the next tremor.

  2. I think that building was developed by one of feinstein’s husband’s business associates. Same guy that built salesforce, next door- the building with the cracked structural beam. His son was the guy that hacked congressional computers for blackmail to not vote for kavanaugh.
    There’s probably a bail out in the built back better bill for them.
    The kids’s hearing was secret, for ‘national security reasons,’ and the web has done been scrubbed, it appears.
    They cut corners when they built it
    Someone should start a prediction lottery for the day and time it falls over. There’s money to be made there.

  3. *yawn*
    Well, ain’t that somethin?
    More stupidity from CA, particularly San Fran?

    I’m pretty certain that Pelosi will “appropriate” a couple of $Billion to straighten it all out.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @billyhall2546: “…They cut corners when they built it…”

    IIRC, most of the other tall SF buildings’ foundations have pilings or piers that are driven all the way down to bedrock. This one doesn’t. It just sort of floats on/in silt, a great way to put up skyscrapers in an earthquake zone, yeah?


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