Sasse, Get Your Sweaty… Sasse… Off Of Our Building – IOTW Report

Sasse, Get Your Sweaty… Sasse… Off Of Our Building

Ben Sasse perches casually, with his post-workout swamp ass glued to our national monument, yucking it up with Chuck Schumer and John McCain, probably discussing how to oust Trump.

Tom Cotton is the only classy looking gentleman.

ht/ illustr8r


31 Comments on Sasse, Get Your Sweaty… Sasse… Off Of Our Building

  1. That these creeps aren’t on a chain gang clearing kudzu 108º heat instead of coming back from free lunch or free haircuts or free gym time really burns me up.

  2. Figures Sasse considers himself a workout guru like Paul Ryan. Paul Ryan who openly lied about his marathon times and climbing 40 of Colorado’s 14ers. These guys all live in a fantasy land bubble.

  3. In McCain’s bag there is a has a tattered copy of “Crime and Punishment,” a DVD of Dr. Zhivago, a bottle of Vodka, a bottle of coffee liqueur, a carton of heavy cream and a plastic tumbler with McCain/Palin logo it.

  4. What’s in McCain’s bag?

    A half-heart locket that says “Best” on the front with Lindsay’s picture inside. Lindsay Graham has the other half that says “Booty” with McCain’s picture in it.
    A box of Butterfly® Pads, 3 black socks, a ziploc bag of moist Corn Nuts, and a hotplate.

  5. I would rather him behave a little more class than that and not sit on the monument. But he is strong conservative and is willing to fight the dems unlike 90% of the republicans and doesn’t give up his principles. He is somebody we want in Washington.

  6. What’s in McCain’s bag?

    A half-heart locket that says “Best” on the front with Lindsay’s picture inside. Lindsay Graham has the other half that says “Booty” with McCain’s picture in it.
    A box of Butterfly® Pads, 3 black socks, a ziploc bag of moist Corn Nuts, and a hotplate.

    Um. Damn, girl. There’s some scary shit going on there.

    OK. I’m game. Where we goin’, and why do I have to wear a blindfold?

  7. JP, you are obviously not from Nebraska. sasse is not even a conservative, let alone a strong one. I refused to vote for him and will campaign against him when the time comes.

  8. Never Trumper Sasse has much to hide. Rumored to be a procurer for the disgraced, incarcerated, former Speaker Dennis Hastert, Sasse just might have a Humpty Dumpty fall off the DC Wall.

  9. Call me crazy if you will, but I once saw a video of Bill Clinton in sweats in the Oval office with a bunch of sweaty bitches, after a jog. I saw it with my own two eyes. Just like I saw muslims on vides celebrating on roof tops New Jersey as the Twin Towers burned.
    That too never happened. Yeah, call me crazy.

  10. Everyone has left out the shreds of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence that he had Sandy Berger steal for him. He, the clintons, the oscumas, precious Lindsey and sundry (d) luminaries are planning to light the briquettes for their Memorial Day BBQ with them.

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