“Saturday Cartoon” by Mr. Pinko – IOTW Report

“Saturday Cartoon” by Mr. Pinko


About Mr.Pinko 686 Articles
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3 Comments on “Saturday Cartoon” by Mr. Pinko

  1. But some people never, ever get it. There’s this one person on another blog who pushed Mittens from day one as Mr. “electable”. Now she (or he maybe?) is all in a snit about Trump calling what’shername a bimbo and how we need a “responsible” candidate. . . blah, blah, blah.

    Why do some people insist that the GOP should only field door mats as candidates?

    Is Trump the best guy? Of course not, Cruz is the best by far in my opinion. But Trump is taking all the flak and Cruz is just moving along, gaining momentum and a following of people who see him as the “sane” version of Trump.

    Even if Trump does go all the way I think he’s smart enough to pick a very, very good group to surround himself with. He certainly isn’t going to worry about any of them being a threat.

    Compare and contrast that to picking somebody like Joe Biden!

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