Save Biden? She Couldn’t Even Pull Off a Win for The Chiefs Last Night – IOTW Report

Save Biden? She Couldn’t Even Pull Off a Win for The Chiefs Last Night

The Hill Headline

Miss Americana: How Taylor Swift could save Joe Biden Headline

Taylor Swift attends game at Lambeau Field; Chiefs lose for first time with megastar in attendance


30 Comments on Save Biden? She Couldn’t Even Pull Off a Win for The Chiefs Last Night

  1. Green Bay played a really good game.

    I can’t stand Mahomes or his family and am glad he lost to a Black quarterback of all things.
    The NFL is TRYING VERY hard to make Mahomes the next Brady and the officiating shows it.

  2. It’s a sad state but she really could influence a large number of brain-dead youth that are old enough to vote, to get out and vote for someone who promises to take away all the pleasures & conveniences in their pampered lives and relegate them back to Stone-age living conditions.
    It would be funny if it wasn’t such a reality of where we are.

  3. Taylor Swift is a funny looking girl. Like a squirrel with 6 in of makeup.
    I heard her sing early on without computer fixes….terrible.
    She fits the uniform so to speak.
    I don’t watch football any more.
    Too woke and too many thugs.

  4. Like LBS said she typifies the brain dead youth of today that can’t see or think any farther than their smarter than them phone! The only way to save our country is vote in person with photo I.D. on paper and only after you’ve taken a quick civics test to prove you’re not a total moron, on like what you would have to take to become a naturalized citizen of this once great country!

  5. @ General Malaise: Most of her “relationships” have been of the lavender, mutual bearding type. Look at the closet case exes: Joe Jonas, Taylor Lautner, Jake Gyellhaal, Harry Styles, etc. I wouldn’t be surprised if this NFL guy has some sugar in his tank.

    She is a big old phoney and it looks like some butt hurt Swiftie is posting anonymously because Gaylor Swift is getting called out for being the muff diving, sexual degenerate that she is.

  6. Wowie, she pushed approximately 32146 people to register to vote (35000, a 1226% increase on from her 272,000,000 retarded followers, or 0.01%. A 0.04% increase to Biden’s 81,000,000 loyal base. With numbers like that Biden will live on for a fourth, no, sixth or eighth term!

  7. Meanwhile Trump promises to take America into the deepest depths of hell if re-elected. Boy oh boy can we go dare for springbreak, off the beaten path & an adventure for all. Has a one-on-one with the true one.

  8. I hope Travis Kelce doesn’t have to work to hard to pleasure her. His VAXfan history might have him clutching his chest in flagrante delicto.

    But since this ‘dream couple’ have totally sold out themselves to every Dark Side entity (NFL, Big Pharma, tabloids, Shitpants Admin), I won’t have a square to spare. Kleenex, that is

    And concerning the NFL deifying Mahomes and all things KC Chiefs, they further discredited their non-legit BS social justice League when they robbed Jaylen Hurts of his Super Bowl win last year.

  9. “Meanwhile Trump promises to take America into the deepest depths of hell if re-elected”

    Lower taxes, a booming economy, an actual southern border, deportation of the invaders, lower crime, and end to the wars, you’re right, a true hell.

  10. Brad, & I have oceanfront property forsale in Arizona. Trump has, now very very carefully read my lips (LIED HIS WHOLE PATHETIC LIFE) boosts of it now as part of his campaign. So FUCK OFF LOSER BOY.

  11. Porn videos where? All I found are “fake” ones. They take her head & put it on someone else’s body. Melania on the otherhand this was her bread & butt-er in her earlier days before all the plastic surgery.

  12. The good news, Taylor will be able to write a song about heartache and really mean it now.

    Can’t believe it took me all day to come up with that, but I eventually got there.

    If you’re reading this Taylor, call me.

  13. Tay Tay will be the Kiss of death to that locker room.

    Kelce is distracted by the Hundreds of Millions she has vs the Tens of millions he earns.

    At some point he will realize that he will have to carry HER purse and do as she says.

    And just wait until the volley of breakup songs & internet trolls when it all goes to shit…

  14. Bottom line. She sings what we use to call Bubble Gum music. It will NOT be popular with lots of hard rocking peeps or Country peeps. She has a limited audience and they are fanatics. I think their size is overestimated.


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