New Jersey School Board Member Who Sympathized With Kosher Market Shooters Hailed as a Modern ‘Rosa Parks’ – IOTW Report

New Jersey School Board Member Who Sympathized With Kosher Market Shooters Hailed as a Modern ‘Rosa Parks’

PJMedia/ When two shooters killed three people at a kosher grocery store in Jersey City last year, a member of the Jersey City Board of Education attacked calls for “faith and hope” in solidarity with the Jewish victims and instead urged locals to be “brave enough to explore the answer to [the shooters’] message.” She also referred to Jewish people as “brutes.” While local leaders initially condemned her, the local Democratic black caucus rallied around her and some even hailed her as a modern “Rosa Parks.” She has yet to resign and will likely serve until the end of this year.

The board member, Joan Terrell-Paige, responded to an article in Insider NJ titled, “Faith and Hope to Fight Hate.” She commented on Facebook, “Where was all this faith and hope when Black homeowners were threatened, intimidated, and harassed by I WANT TO BUY YOUR HOUSE brutes of the jewish community?”

Terrell-Paige claimed that Jews harassed black people. She referenced a case from 2009 in which a Jewish man named Solomon Dwek pleaded guilty to participating with rabbis in a scheme involving the illegal sale of kidneys.

“This is just a small portion of the pains of the Black community now being ignored in this rush to faith and hope. Drugs and guns are planted in the Black community. [The shooters] went directly to the kosher supermarket. I believe they knew they would come out in body bags. What is the message they were sending? Are we brave enough to explore the answer to their message?” she asked.

One of the shooters with whom she sympathized had posted anti-police and anti-Semitic posts on social media, including language linked to the Black Hebrew Israelite movement.

While she deleted the post, she has not apologized. The post made clear Terrell-Paige was speaking in her personal capacity, not as a member of the board of education.

Democratic Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop called for her to step down. So did Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy. The president of the Board of Education, Sudhan Thomas, promised he would introduce a resolution at the next meeting censuring her and asking her to resign. Yet three weeks later, nothing happened. read more

17 Comments on New Jersey School Board Member Who Sympathized With Kosher Market Shooters Hailed as a Modern ‘Rosa Parks’

  1. I am starting a new Gang
    The Wig Snatchers
    Our business model is to wait for those old Hags who commit Black Appropriation of White People’s hair, and wait until they get on camera and snatch their wigs so the world can see them for the frauds that they are

  2. She asked where was the help when property was being bought up by Jewish interests????? Well, my dear, consider the political party you cozied up to: the Democrats. There is corruption in both political parties for sure but the Democrats have made careers out of exploiting black communities for votes and giving little back as far as any discernible ideals or values. Maybe had she and her fellow blacks in her neighborhood supported a party and candidate that actually gave a crap about her success things would be more like today where we see record minority employment andempowerment.

  3. “… Black homeowners were threatened, intimidated, and harassed by I WANT TO BUY YOUR HOUSE brutes of the jewish community?”

    Huh? You fuckin serious? If you (anybody) don’t want to sell your house – DON’T SELL YOUR FUCKING HOUSE!
    See how easy that is?
    What the fuck is wrong with people? Where were these “brutes” back in 08 when I was trying to sell MY fuckin house? Oh, yeah, between Bush and Obola the housing market got the shit kicked out of it.

    Lady(?) has a reality problem. Does she(?) really believe that negroes are innocent victims by having drugs and guns being thrust upon them? Negroes stand in line to buy drugs! Negroes stand in line to get jobs selling drugs (willing to kill each other for the opportunity)! Negroes burgle each others’ houses and steal from each other to get enough money to buy guns! Does she(?) believe that the KKK is dropping caches of guns and ammo off on street corners?

    NOBODY’s that fuckin dumb. Must be disingenuous.

    izlamo delenda est …


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