Scientists Claim There’s a New Life Form Swimming Around Inside Your Gut – IOTW Report

Scientists Claim There’s a New Life Form Swimming Around Inside Your Gut

Science Alert

Peering into the jungle of microbes that live within us, researchers have stumbled across what seem to be an entire new class of virus-like objects.

“It’s insane,” says University of North Carolina cell biologist Mark Peifer, who was not involved in the study, told Elizabeth Pennisi at Science Magazine. “The more we look, the more crazy things we see.”

These mysterious bits of genetic material have no detectable sequences or even structural similarities known to any other biological agents. More

20 Comments on Scientists Claim There’s a New Life Form Swimming Around Inside Your Gut

  1. So, has it killed anyone yet? If not, they’ll isolate it to kill the multitudes. They’ll claim it escaped on its own into the general population. The scientists will want to see what their new found bug will produce.

  2. Call it Kamalatrema harrisai
    Recently discovered:
    Baracktrema obamai – a parasitic worm discovered and named in 2016
    Syllipsimopodi bideni – vampyropod vampire squid discovered and named in 2022



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