Scientists Now Believe That Life Began More As Stem Cells Than Sponge Cells – IOTW Report

Scientists Now Believe That Life Began More As Stem Cells Than Sponge Cells

Courthouse News

“The great-great-great-grandmother of all cells in the animal kingdom, so to speak, was probably quite similar to a stem cell. This is somewhat intuitive as, compared to plants and fungi, animals have many more cell types, used in very different ways – from neurons to muscles – and cell flexibility has been critical to animal evolution from the start.”

Study co-author Sandie Degnan added, “Biologists for decades believed the existing theory was a no-brainer, as sponge choanocytes look so much like single-celled choanoflagellates – the organism considered to be the closest living relatives of the animals,” she said. “But their transcriptome signatures simply don’t match, meaning that these aren’t the core building blocks of animal life that we originally thought they were.” More

7 Comments on Scientists Now Believe That Life Began More As Stem Cells Than Sponge Cells

  1. There can never be proof. If there were observers at the time, we don’t have their notes.

    But I suppose you can have faith.

    If you have that, you can have an Almighty God. Much less a proto cell.

  2. The Good Lord provided us with a Universe where life is inevitable, if rare.
    We may be it.
    I don’t think so, because God created a big old Universe, and there are lots of places for life to exist.
    Places with life: Rare.
    Places with life like us, able to look around and look for God: We may be all there is.
    However it got started, it got started.
    If there is a creation, there is a Creator.

  3. More propaganda from the left. Scientists rely on the scientific method, and none of their theories can get to first base in that game.

    Christians believe that life has a spiritual component and a physical component. Marxists reject that and limited in their understanding of what a man truly is.


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