Seattle had over 23% more shooting deaths in 2022 – IOTW Report

Seattle had over 23% more shooting deaths in 2022

JTN– Seattle witnessed over 23% more shooting deaths this year, up from 2021 fatality numbers.

The latest shooting statistics from the Seattle Police Department crime dashboard shows that from January through Nov. 30, there were 38 shooting deaths in the city. There were 31 shooting deaths in all of 2021.

Bitterlake, Northgate and the Chinatown International District were the areas with the highest number of shooting deaths. Chinatown had the highest number of cases this year with seven shooting deaths through November. Followed by Bitterlake and Northgate with five cases.

All together there were 689 cases of shooting deaths, non-fatal shootings and reported shots fired in 2022. All of 2021 saw 562.

There were 151 non-fatal shootings through November this year. In 2021, there were 126 cases. Chinatown had the highest number of non-fatal shootings with 29 cases. Followed by the Downtown Commercial area with 21 cases and Northgate with 19. more

5 Comments on Seattle had over 23% more shooting deaths in 2022

  1. While I’m contemplating some of the predictions for 2023 I thought we’d take a look at the windy city. The breeze is caused by the bullets wizzing past your head.

    Year end totals for Shitcago…

    Almost ten people shot every day!

    Shot & Killed 665

    Shot and wounded 2937

    Total Shot 3602

    Total Homicides 734

    Other stats at hey jackass . com

  2. …there were 689 cases of shooting deaths, non-fatal shootings and reported shots fired in 2022…

    How many of those were justified, i.e. defense of self or other innocents? How many stabbings, either fatal or non-fatal? Blunt force trauma murders?

    Why only shooting stats, JTN? Why are you playing the victim disarmament forces’ word/propaganda games?

  3. 0.0052% of the population.

    Nothing to get exercised over.
    Sad thing is: it’s always the wrong ones – should be those shit-bags in City Hall.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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