The government seems to be “anti-science.”
Female to male are not required to register. Why not? They’re males, no?
Male to female are required to register. Why? They’re females, no?
And here’s a site telling transgenders how to become exempt from registering. That doesn’t sound like they are embracing, fully, their rightful gender, does it?
People who were assigned female at birth are not required to register with the Selective Service regardless of their current gender or transition status.
When applying for federal financial aid, grants, and loans as a man, however, you may be asked to prove that you are exempt. To request a Status Information Letter (SIL) that shows you are exempt, you can either download an SIL request form from the Selective Service website ( or call them at 1-888-655-1825. This service is free and the exemption letter you will receive does not specify why you are exempt so it will not force you to out yourself in any other application process. The Selective Service does, however, require a copy of your birth certificate showing your birth-assigned sex. If the sex on your birth certificate has been changed, attach any documentation you have to that affect. Once you receive your Status Information Letter, keep it in your files. For those FTM people who transition before their eighteenth birthdays and change their birth certificates, it is also possible to register with the service. However, no one may register after their twenty-sixth birthday. Also, please note that although Selective Service materials refer to transgender people as “people who have had a sex change,” their policies apply to those who have transitioned regardless of surgical history.
People who were assigned male at birth are required to register with the Selective Service within thirty days of their eighteenth birthday. This includes those who may have transitioned before or since then. The Selective Service uses Social Security and other databases to determine who they believe was assigned male at birth. As of now, it is unclear whether transgender people are eligible for military service, but you are required to register nonetheless, and this is necessary to gain access to certain government benefits.
Maybe they should just change their name to “Service”, because it doesn’t sound like they’re very selective any more.
No more attempts at getting a Section 8 like Corporal Max Klinger was always trying to use to use as a dodge to get out of the military. It will not be allowed, God help us with the transgendered freaks in the military from now on. It makes me want to puke! The inmates are running the asylum now for the worse.
An addadicktome cost more and not done as often.
What difference does it make? The 104th Flaming Fruity Bike Helmet Division is not gonna fight the muslims anyway.
It was passed out?
Given to you?
Like some higher being made the choice for you?
Is this the language they really want to go with?
Nice that they acknowledge something more powerful than themselves that came before them and then created them.
…And had a weird sense of humor, apparently.
It’s my opinion that young women should be required to register as well. No, I don’t think women should be assigned with men in combat roles although there are roles women can serve. Women are important in filling support roles. Who knows, we may be in all out war like WWII and will need every able body person. By the way, I’m an USAF get and female.
Thank you for your service.
What is a USAF “get”?
Why would the Armed Forces want any more Bradley Mannings?
What a Fluster Cluck! Prog nirvana.
DNA don’t lie. They are still what they were born as, just mutilated in different area’s of the body. The thing is, if for some reason the medications they take to manage the hormones from reverting back to the original are no longer available, it will be pretty gdamn sad to see the damage they’ve done to themselves.
Sorry. Vet. Damn spell check.
NOBODY should register.