Sen. Bob Menendez Claims He Withdrew ‘Thousands of Dollars in Cash’ over Last 30 Years After $480K Found at Home in Bribery Investigation – IOTW Report

Sen. Bob Menendez Claims He Withdrew ‘Thousands of Dollars in Cash’ over Last 30 Years After $480K Found at Home in Bribery Investigation

Breitbart: Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) claimed Monday morning he has withdrawn “thousands of dollars in cash” over the past three decades after federal prosecutors indicted him on bribery allegations following the purported discovery of $480,000 in cash and more than $100,000 in gold bars during a search of his home last summer.

Menendez’s claim came during a press conference that New noted was at the Hudson Community College Union City, New Jersey, campus. Notably, the community college is situated in New Jersey’s Eighth Congressional District, which his son, Rep. Bob Menendez (D-NJ), represents.

“For 30 years, I have withdrawn thousands of dollars in cash from my personal savings account, which I have kept for emergencies and because of the history of my family facing confiscation in Cuba,” Menendez, who has called the allegations “baseless,” claimed in his first public appearance since the indictment.

“Now, this may seem old-fashioned, but these were monies drawn from my personal savings account, based on the income that I have lawfully derived over those 30 years,” he added. more

16 Comments on Sen. Bob Menendez Claims He Withdrew ‘Thousands of Dollars in Cash’ over Last 30 Years After $480K Found at Home in Bribery Investigation

  1. Wow, I need to start checking the pockets of my suit coats.

    And….I found a nickel and four pennies. Only $479,999.91 short of what I apparently need to erase my Cuban memories. Maybe I’ll start looking under the couch cushions next.

  2. You all are missing a very important point. The government believes any cash you have has come from illicit activity. Look at the people who have lost everything because the government said it was drug money. The being said this guy is guilty.

  3. So, we all believe the same LE traitors who are persecuting President Trump and the J6 people and all Americans?
    Menendez is no more likely a liar than the KNOWN perjurers Merrick Garland and Chris Wray.

    Since he has a (D) behind his name, I’m fairly certain that he’s corrupt – but I know at least three (3) people who keep (what I consider) large amounts of cash on hand because they don’t trust the Usurper Biden’s economy and the rumors of the Feds sweeping Savings accounts. Maybe Menendez knows more than we?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Under biden, it is prudent to stash cash versus leaving it in the bank.

    At least I get to watch it “devalue” as inflation skyrockets as Biden/Obama Policies bear fruit and destroys the US Economically.

  5. Gold at two thousand per ounce is about thirty percent cheaper in cash money buying power than it was two years ago. The price in the face of inflation since the election was stolen is solid evidence the gold market is heavily manipulated.

    A bribe in fiat fades over time, a bribe in gold is forever.

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