Sen. Grassley challenged to a push-up contest – IOTW Report

Sen. Grassley challenged to a push-up contest

DailyCaller: WATCH: 83-Year-Old GOP Senator Blows Teenager Out Of The Water In Push-Up Contest.
Chuck Grassley, the octogenarian GOP Senator from Iowa, taught a young whipper-snapper to be careful what you wish for when the senior from the high school he visited Monday challenged him to a push-up contest.
Grassley, who in his youth worked on farms and in sheet metal factories, can be seen ratcheting off at least thirteen push-ups locked face to face with his female challenger. “He wins,” another student can be heard saying with amused air of resignation over the laughter of her classmates.

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10 Comments on Sen. Grassley challenged to a push-up contest

  1. That’s because the Senator comes from a time when everyone took Physical Education in school, summer jobs involved manual labor and nobody got a trophy unless they actually won.

    Old Guys….1

  2. When I was was in High School I could do 1000 push ups. Any kind any where.
    We had a club called the ‘get fit stay fit’ club. Members had to do 1000 push-ups a day.
    Then we started the real exercises.

  3. I think she did 2-3 pushups that might count. But girls can do anything better than boys. Sorry ladies, I know I sound like the jerk that I am — it’s what happens when guys get bombarded by and surrounded by feminist dogma by big city liberal women who hate your guts. Of course the ladies here @ BFH don’t entirely buy into all that and are worthy of my respect and admiration : )

  4. I heard yesterday where Millennial Snowflakes have a heightened risk for ass cancer. Something about their bad diet and sedentary lifestyle.

    My theory is that they’re absorbing the full force of undiluted radon as it seeps up through the basement floor.

  5. It would be impressive if it weren’t for the fact that Senators do so very little productive work and thus get to spend mucho time in the taxpayer-funded gym!

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