Sen. Tom Cotton Blocks Nominees After Secret Service Chaffetz Probe – IOTW Report

Sen. Tom Cotton Blocks Nominees After Secret Service Chaffetz Probe

tom cotton

RollCall: Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., announced Monday he would place a hold on three ambassadorial nominations until there are consequences — and a criminal investigation — for Secret Service agents who allegedly accessed a congressman’s private records.

Cotton took to the Senate floor Monday afternoon to chastise the agency for, in his view, attempting to intimidate House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, as he conducted oversight of the Secret Service.

An inspector general report revealed agents circulated Chaffetz’s application to the Secret Service, which would potentially embarrass the congressman. On Monday, the inspector general reopened its investigation following director Joseph P. Clancy’s conflicting accounts of what and when he knew about the issue.

“This is the exact kind of encroachment against which our founders warned,” Cotton said on the floor. “The executive hasn’t yet acted with anything like the gravity this matter deserves. Until it does, I intend to use the powers of my office to demand action, and to protect our constitutional order.”  more


10 Comments on Sen. Tom Cotton Blocks Nominees After Secret Service Chaffetz Probe

  1. I’m delighted Cotton stood up for Congressional privacy. He’s absolutely doing the right thing. Now if we could just get some of the same concern for the Constitutional privacy of the rest of our citizens who aren’t under legal investigations….

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