Senate Advances Hegseth Nomination Despite GOP Dissent from Collins and Murkowski – IOTW Report

Senate Advances Hegseth Nomination Despite GOP Dissent from Collins and Murkowski


The United States Senate is poised to vote on the confirmation of Pete Hegseth as Secretary of Defense.

Hegseth, a 44-year-old Army National Guard veteran and former Fox News host, was nominated by President Donald Trump on November 12, 2024.

During his confirmation hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee on January 14, 2025, Hegseth faced rigorous questioning.

Despite all of the hysterical foolishness of Democrat senators like Elizabeth Warren during the Hegseth hearing last week, the Senate Armed Forces Committee has voted to advance Hegseth’s nomination. more here

10 Comments on Senate Advances Hegseth Nomination Despite GOP Dissent from Collins and Murkowski

  1. Isn’t it time to investigate Collins and Murkowski ????

    Incumbents that long in the tooth, and constantly and brazenly disloyal to their Party and their constituents, just must have ALOT of dirty laundry.

  2. We don’t need those useless old bags. Thune said last week that he has the votes, and Fetterman will vote “yes.”

    I can kinda see why Collins keeps getting elected, Maine is purple, but what’s up with Alaska? Murkowski is “Deomcrat” stupid.

  3. And turtle boy Mitch made sure they got the funding to stay in the Senate but screwed over conservatives running. His control was more important to him than the party or the country. Time to shut of all funding to the traitors and support conservatives in the primary against them. Mitch may hold the purse strings but I’m sure there are ways to make his life difficult. If he can stay awake long enough

  4. As it stands right now, if those three POS RINOs vote against Hegseth JD Vance will break the tie. He’s in. MurCOWSKI, and Collins voted for every freak of the week under Biden. Including Levine. The GOP should expel certain members.

  5. “Senate Advances Hegseth Nomination Despite GOP (RINO DildoCrat) Dissent from Collins and Murkowski”
    There. Fixed it for ya. Yer welcome.

  6. Harry THURSDAY, 23 JANUARY 2025, 16:02 AT 4:02 PM

    Failed to yield right-of-way.
    It was a 55 buick Special four door sedan (Yellow & White). It was mine. She totaled it. Three of us inside the time without seatbelts, but no injuries to us. So sad, had a full tank of gas at the time and as it ended up being upside down I watched it all drain out after the accident.

  7. Tues night at our county R meeting Collins’ rep got an earful about J6 prisoners from one of the other chairs. It brought a rousing round of applause.
    Her bulloney is not being tolerated any more. We’re trying to find someone to primary her.


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