Senate blocks FBI access to online data without warrant – IOTW Report

Senate blocks FBI access to online data without warrant

HC:  The Senate on Wednesday blocked an expansion of the government’s power to investigate suspected terrorists, a victory for civil libertarians and privacy advocates emboldened after a National Security Agency contractor’s revelations forced changes to surveillance of Americans.

Senior Republicans had pressed for allowing the FBI to obtain a person’s digital fingerprints without first securing a judge’s permission after the mass shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, left 49 dead and 53 injured. The gunman had pledge allegiance to the Islamic State and other militant groups.

But on Wednesday, the Senate voted 58-38, two votes short of the 60 necessary to move ahead on the measure.

“We aren’t asking for content, we’re asking for usage,” Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., in defense of the measure. “This is an important tool.”  more 

12 Comments on Senate blocks FBI access to online data without warrant

  1. Uh, McCain, you are the tool.
    You’re not allowed to open USPS mail without a warrant, what makes you think electronic communications is fair game? Next you idiots will want us to open our brains to see what we’re thinking.
    Ban rampant immigration, prosecute those who openly support our enemies? No, you want to spy on the rest of us.

  2. How about we cut the bullshit and start profiling. If a terrorist is caught in a credible threat, kill the sumbitch- especially mooslimes because that is all they understand. The same goes for illegals who commit any crime, perpetrators of gang violence, pedophiles and child traffickers. This crap can be cleaned up in a matter of days. Word will get around.

  3. This was actually a good vote. The west is already on the slippery slope to government total surveillance without due process in the name of terror prevention. At some point there has to be some debate on how much risk the public is willing to assume for a free society and along with that whether those found to have committed or planned acts of terror to have the protection of the various constitutions of the countries involved. The people, not the politicians, need to make this call in a referendum or two.

  4. I used to be a bit more tolerant of the US Government’s accessing some certain information in order to stop terrorists, but after this Shithead’s administration and his whole cabal of bureaucrats setting sights on and targeting conservatives I changed my mind.
    ‘Get a warrant’ is good policy.

  5. The goobermint has failed to identify ALL forms of successful terror attacks, even when all the snooping tools were in place. The goobermint is an absolute FAILURE!

    The only so called terror interventions the goobermint has successfully thwarted were the ones IT CREATED! They do a great job at creating, financing and encouraging mentally challenged individuals into tools for funding.

  6. Tim, the Bill of Rights might not be around, as we know it, if and after Hillary wins the election. The First and Second Amendment are under attack, as is the Fourth. Ah hell, they are all under attack. If HRC wins the election, she also wins the right to appoint enough Scotus justices guarenteed to rule in favor of re-defining the Bill of Rights in ways we can’t imagine. UNless of course a spineless Senate refuses to approve any of her nominations. And that ain’t gonna happen.

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