Senate Reaches Deal to Avoid Partial Government Shutdown – IOTW Report

Senate Reaches Deal to Avoid Partial Government Shutdown

PJM: Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced that the Senate had reached a deal on a continuing resolution to fund the government through December 3. The vote, scheduled for Thursday morning, will avoid a partial government shutdown when the new fiscal year begins on Friday.

The House passed its own CR last week on a largely a party-line vote of 220-211.

Schumer made one last effort to get the GOP to agree to increase the debt ceiling by including a suspension of the debt limit in the government funding bill until December of 2022, but Republicans insisted on passing a “clean” funding bill and Schumer reluctantly acquiesced.


Democrats do have the option to raise the debt limit on their own using a process known as budget reconciliation, but Schumer has argued that route is too risky.

Schumer reiterated his warning on Wednesday that going down the path of using reconciliation is “very risky” and “could well lead us to default.” With Republicans strongly opposed to helping Democrats in any way to suspend the debt ceiling, it leaves in doubt how Congress will address the looming crisis in the next few weeks before the US would default on its debt.

“In solving this crisis, this body cannot and will not go through a drawn out unpredictable process sought by the minority leader. It risks the full faith and credit of the United States,” he said. “To do this through reconciliation requires ping ponging separate bills back from the Senate and the House. It’s uncharted waters. Individual senators could move to delay, delay and delay. It is very risky and could well lead us to default.”

What a load of horse hockey. All bills “ping-pong” from the Senate to the House (or House to the Senate). During that process, any senator could object to any unanimous consent request and stop the bill cold.

Perhaps Senator Schumer would like to explain why any individual Democratic senator would want to do that? Or any GOP senator, for that matter? It’s a weak strawman argument that doesn’t stand up to rudimentary scrutiny. more here

12 Comments on Senate Reaches Deal to Avoid Partial Government Shutdown

  1. At this point, they (We know who’s who…) are only in it to enrich themselves. It’s disgusting how some blow hardest like Schmuck Schumer has such a position of power.

  2. And the usual assholes helped the democrats…

    – Blunt
    – Burr
    – Capito
    – Cassidy
    – Collins<-
    – Cornyn<-
    – Graham<-
    – Kennedy
    – McConnell<-
    – Murkowski<-
    – Romney<-
    – Rounds
    – Shelby
    – Tillis
    – Young

  3. And America takes it up the ass – AGAIN!
    You can bet that anything Slimeball Schumer approves is BAD for America.
    Traitors gotta betray – it’s not just what they do, it’s who they are!

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I have a recurring dream of how high on the hog that I could live if I had even a tenth of the money that the government blows through in a month. But, it is so pathetic that these thieves act like we will all die if the government is shut down, even if it is for a few days. The worst part of the whole shambolic display is that there are too many lemmings that agree with these grifters.

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