Senate Republicans vow to oppose debt limit increase unless Congress commits to spending cuts – IOTW Report

Senate Republicans vow to oppose debt limit increase unless Congress commits to spending cuts


Agroup of two dozen Senate Republicans have signed a letter vowing to oppose any increase in the nation’s debt limit unless Congress agrees to spending cuts to help pay down the national debt.

“We, the undersigned members of the Senate Republican Conference, write to express our outright opposition to a debt-ceiling hike without real structural spending reform that reduces deficit spending and brings fiscal sanity back to Washington,” the group, lead by Utah GOP Sen. Mike Lee, wrote to President Joe Biden.

“Our nation’s fiscal policy is a disaster,” they continued. “Our country owes $31 trillion, a level of debt that now well exceeds the size of our economy. Inflation is making life more expensive for American families every single day.” more

15 Comments on Senate Republicans vow to oppose debt limit increase unless Congress commits to spending cuts

  1. “vowing to oppose any increase in the nation’s debt limit unless Congress agrees to spending cuts to help pay down the national debt.”

    I would be more impressed if instead of posturing for position they would take a hard stand,”The debt ceiling was designed to demarcate a safety line, a line which will spell danger and uncertainty if we cross it. We believe this line is real and must be adhered to. We do not support raising it. Congress must, like every household in the country, make choices on how best to spend the money taxpayers send us. We will be the adults in the room and make the hard choices in keeping with the spirit of representative government”.

    OT, Cindy Williams of Laverne And Shirley just died at 75. That was a really good show.

  2. Great in principle, but all theatrics. They will raise it.Some here like to rag on Brian Kemp, but he kept Ga open during covid, our economy is better than most states, (best economy to do business in at least two years in a row). I wish we would get rid of the state income tax to make us more competitive with FL and TN.In GA there has to be a balanced budget, tank Abrahms wanted to spend it, Kemp paid teachers more, and sent the rest back to the taxpayers.The only way to fix the US economy is to legislate balanced budgets.Just dreaming, lets send more tanks and missiles to Ukraine, have inadequate arms for ourselves, let transex mental patients lead our military, and borrow more money from China. What could the Chinks do?… Send over another virus we paid for.

  3. They’ll accept a $20 reduction in D.C. police budget and a $230 million increase in pork, and call it a reduction. Else they’ll end up calling a smaller increase in spending year over year a reduction.
    Build a wall around D.C., then fill it with concrete.

  4. And are not these the same folks that voted to send over $100 B to Ukie Land? No matter what, the Dem’s lie. Any agreement is useless. Look how they heed the constitution! Farce.
    So I accept that our country will only spend and print more. Now the question is, what do those of us here at IOTW do ? We really cannot simply hope our coin stash will be much help. We really do not want to shoot our way out of it. I sure as hell am not running away to NZ or digging a bunker. Any other ideas out here?

  5. Okay now that you passed the 1.7 TRILLION bill prior to this congress. And it takes 950,000 years to pay back 1 trillion at 1 dollar a second. It is never going to be paid off or meaningfully reduced. Just repeal taxation and keep printing – at least let us be free of pretending this is anything sustainable.

  6. Why would they need to raise the debt ceiling? Joe cut the deficit by 10 kajillion dollars, more than any president in history. That means SURPLUS, baby!! We got all the dollars to spend now. Oh, wait… right, Joe is not quite with us.

  7. Spending cuts, please. The best we can expect is a slight reduction in the rate of growth. “We wanted to increase the budget 15%, but we only raised it 10%. See, we’re saving you money!”

  8. “… debt limit increase …”

    If it’s a limit how can it be increased?
    And if it can be increased, it’s not a limit.

    Either they don’t know the meanings of the words they’re bandying about, or they’re straight-up fucking liars.

    Lying to “We, the People of the United States” should carry an immediate death sentence.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Increase the debt ceiling by $trillions.

    Decrease Spending by a few 100 $Billion.

    Yeah, I get increased taxes on retirement income and Social Security to make up the difference, just like the last time.

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