Senator Lindsey Graham Just Confirmed The Steele Dossier Was Used For 2016 FISA Warrant – IOTW Report

Senator Lindsey Graham Just Confirmed The Steele Dossier Was Used For 2016 FISA Warrant

Conservative Treehouse:

Everyone suspected the sketchy Steele Dossier was what corrupt FBI and DOJ officials used to get the October 2016 FISA warrant against Trump. FBI and DOJ officials refuse to answer that question publicly.

Despite a hundred different ways congressional investigators have asked the question, and despite numerous on-camera questions to FBI and DOJ officials about the 2016 FISA process, no-one had definitively confirmed the Christopher Steele ‘Russian Dossier’ was the underlying evidence for the 2016 FISA application to gain wiretaps and electronic surveillance upon presidential candidate Donald Trump.   UNTIL NOW.

Senator Lindsey Graham just confirmed the sketchy Steele Dossier was used to get the wiretap and surveillance warrant from the FISA court.  Brian Kilmead understood what he was hearing was serious, but didn’t quite catch the specific gravity of it. Watch at 04:10:

…The back-story to the FISA warrant is the cornerstone. The back-story contains both the FBI and the DOJ scheme. Expose it, remove it, and the entire ‘muh Russia conspiracy’ collapses under the weight of sunlight…

This is critical and important because the specific use of the Steele Dossier underpins the BIG UGLY and exposes the entire top-tier apparatus of the FBI Counterintelligence Division (Peter Strzok, Bill Priestap, James Baker, Andrew McCabe) and the DOJ National Security Division (John Carlin, Stuart Evans, Mary McCord and Sally Yates), as well as DOJ Bruce Ohr and FBI lawyer Lisa Page directly to “conspiracy” charges.

The 2016 FBI counterintelligence operation was surveillance on the Trump Campaign and was thinly disguised under the fraudulent auspices of a FISA warrant, sold as a defense of U.S. democracy from Russia, which permitted the wiretaps and surveillance etc.

The DOJ involvement surrounds legal arguments, processing of FISA applications, and use of the legal system to support the FBI operation with actionable legal framing (against Trump). The DOJ National Security Division carried out that collaboration with the FBI.  Read more


16 Comments on Senator Lindsey Graham Just Confirmed The Steele Dossier Was Used For 2016 FISA Warrant

  1. It’s unraveling at a faster pace now. Too many people were involved in this conspiracy to keep a lid on something this big. One of them will want to save his neck from the guillotine, and turn on his fellow co-conspirators for a lighter sentence. At that point, even the MSDM will finally have to admit that there was something rotten in the highest levels of the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of investigation. Lordy! Oh, Lordy!

  2. Marco – People should recognize that there was something rotten in the highest levels of the previous administration, namely Valerie Jarrett and the Øbamboozler to use, encourage and enable the FBI (and Lord knows who else) to commit this kind of treachery. Again, I think they probably hatched this plan early on to use on whomever the Republican candidate was and simply massaged the details once Trump emerged as the target. We would have never known about it if the Hillbag had won. When she didn’t they simply trotted out this pre-fabricated farce to hammer Trump with, never thinking a few steps down the road it might be used against them. This is the kind of stuff that people like Jarrett and her flying monkeys should be answering for!

  3. Just for the record: The Intelligence and other oversight committee members (Jim Jordan, Devin Nunes, et al) would have unearthed the very same damning evidence without Graham’s input or ‘revelations’. Graham’s involvement is unnecessary to the prosecution or assignment of special counsel. So why is this slimy character suddenly inserting himself into the dossier developments? He has been four square behind Mueller. Why now? 80% of Americans DO NOT want DACA amnesty. Does he think POTUS Trump is going to give away one of his primary campaign promises in exchange for his, Graham’s, cooperation on something?

  4. RF – I agree. This is some amateur shit that stinks of Valiranian and Barry the Fairy. Didn’t any of these fucking rat commies ask “What if Killary loses?” Maybe that “boot” Killary has on her kankle is actually an ankle tracking device like parolees wear. Someone needs to go mid evil on these fuckers with a ball pin hammer. Happy New Year!

  5. @AA.Seems he’s another getting on board the Trump team when the great farce is collapsing all around. He’s just a little opportunistic rodent trying to cover for his complicity and or indifference.
    For him to be praising Mueller now is just vomit inducing.

  6. @Organgrinder — I agree with you. I’d just like to know this worm’s angle. Trump is a “say what I mean, mean what I say” guy. He knows he’ll lose a big part of his base if he suddenly turns politician and starts negotiating away our reason for voting him. Is Graham trying to characterize Trump as just another lousy pol who would ‘play’? I think so.

  7. My hat is off to Sundance at CTH, who has an obsession with the details and obviously loves the deep dive on this subject. I’m grateful for him doing the research and presenting what he finds. I hope he never gets bored with it.

  8. Trump made an innocuous tweet, something like “wow, I can’t believe I was being wiretapped during the campaign” and ALL the Leftist media was uproarious, chiding him on the inaccuracy of his comment.
    They ALL have egg on their face now…and will do anything to keep from embarrassing their sorry pathetic careers. Maybe the president himself will get tired of it all and go on the counterattack. I do hope heads will roll.

  9. Looks like Lindsey Graham is leaving McStain out on a limb, all by his lonesome, since McStain was the guy who delivered that fake dossier to the feds. Did you ever think you’d see the day those two Siamese Twins would separate from each other? Wonder what Stain thinks of Graham now. heh

  10. McStain is possibly in the process of checking out of the earth hotel, leaving Ms. Lindsey holding his bag. Ms. Lindsey is trying to cover his non-hairy butt. I doubt he’s flipped.

    Dang this is better than any Vince Flynn and Tom Clancy novels rolled together. In ten years when the book comes out, will anyone, beyond those of us who are watching the deep state now implode, believe it’s real?

  11. This is treason. They wanted to wiretap so the made up the dossier to use as the fig leag to go in front of the FISA court.

    This isn’t oppo research because that is used to undermine a campaign. This is a coup attempt by the FBI and DOJ to overturn an election that would expose their malfeasance.

    Firings are just a beginning. The death penalty is the appropriate punishment. A year of the will of the people has been denied to fight this fake story and an investigation whose only purpose is to catch some small misstatement that they already had an answer to.

  12. I have said it for some time now… when all is said and done, I expect to see the limbs of the Liberty tree hanging heavy with swinging stiffs……. Guilty of treason? you hang!

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

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