Sessions DOJ Blocks Sanctuary Cities from Police Assistance Program – IOTW Report

Sessions DOJ Blocks Sanctuary Cities from Police Assistance Program


Attorney General Jeff Sessions banned sanctuary cities from participating in a federal public safety program.

In a statement through the Department of Justice (DOJ), Sessions said sanctuary cities would not be allowed to participate in the Public Safety Partnership program until they prove that they have properly dropped their status and made efforts to reduce violent crimes by illegal aliens.

“By protecting criminals from immigration enforcement, cities and states with so-called ‘sanctuary’ policies make all of us less safe,” Sessions said in the statement. “We saw that just last week, when an illegal alien who had been deported twenty times and was wanted by immigration authorities allegedly sexually assaulted an elderly woman in Portland, a city that refuses to cooperate with immigration enforcement.”

“By forcing police to go into more dangerous situations to re-arrest the same criminals, these policies endanger law enforcement officers more than anyone,” Sessions continued. “The Department of Justice is committed to supporting our law enforcement at every level, and that’s why we’re asking ‘sanctuary’ jurisdictions to stop making their jobs harder.”

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18 Comments on Sessions DOJ Blocks Sanctuary Cities from Police Assistance Program

  1. Okay, I thought the idea was to take away the fed money they’re already addicted to. Creating another pile of money and telling them they can’t have any is not much of a carrot or stick.

  2. Burner, they’ll get the money eventually by bastardizing a well-intentioned program. All they have to do is bide their time. Meanwhile, we get more fed spending and another big government solution fail. Take away their fed fix, and make them sue to get it back. We’ll see how “principled” these Sanctimony Cities really are.

  3. This is the same kind of “cosmetic theatrics” we’ve been accustomed to from Dems and RINOs over the past decades.

    If Sessions can’t PRODUCE, he needs to GO.

  4. Until Sessions calls “immigration enforcement” by the correct term, “ILLEGAL immigration enforcement”, he will continue to feed the fake line that President Trump is against immigration.

    Think of Acosta, screaming the ‘Statue of Liberty law’, which his rank of idiot followers will take up in arms, now!! That was the one thing Miller failed to do in his brilliant debate with Acosta: He should have clearly stated that there is NOT a ‘Statue of Liberty Law’. That was an open door that the left will pounce upon: “He didn’t deny it!”

  5. From the Justice Dept’s website concerning Trump’s Public Safety Partnerships:

    ““The Department of Justice will work with American cities suffering from serious violent crime problems. There is no doubt that there are many strategies that are proven to reduce crime. Our new National Public Safety Partnership program will help these communities build up their own capacity to fight crime, by making use of data-driven, evidence-based strategies tailored to specific local concerns, and by drawing upon the expertise and resources of our Department.”

    The Justice Department created PSP and the task force in response to President Trump’s February 9, 2017, Executive Order charging the agency with leading a national effort to combat violent crime. The partnership provides a framework for enhancing federal support of state, local and tribal law enforcement officials and prosecutors as they aggressively investigate and pursue violent criminals, specifically those involved in gun crime, drug trafficking and gang violence.”

    This is one of Trump’s main platform planks, to “Make America Safe Again.”

    For Sanctuary Cities who defy federal orders to cease giving so-called sanctuary to illegal aliens and releasing those aliens back into the streets to re-offend, the Justice Dept. will refuse to work with those jurisdictions/cities because it creates a real danger for federal law enforcement when they have to go out and find/arrest those illegals and others who are well aware that they are likely being tracked down by the feds.

    I think it was Homan, the acting Director of ICE, who said that the most dangerous place for law enforcement was outside the door of a known criminal illegal. Why should ICE put their officers at such grave risk if the local police/courts don’t have their backs.

    That’s all this is about. It’s not some nefarious plot for the feds to take over local policing.


    … enter ANY building, ANY court, ANY prison, ANY jail, ANY computer system, they damn-well please, to do their job,—unfettered jurisdiction over the entire United States.

    It will come down to local / state agencies being forced to draw guns on them eventually (california) but I.C.E. has federal military back up.

    I say, let the show-down begin.

  7. One other important aspect to Trump’s Public Safety Partnerships is that it can help reverse the growing trend in cities where the local police are lead by Leftist mayors and police chiefs who are serving up “social justice” instead of Constitutional justice, and who, because of a social justice driven agenda, are putting law-abiding Americans in great danger in the name of political correctness.

    When the feds refuse to work with cities like Seattle, San Jose, etc., it will soon become apparent who is for the people and who is not.

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