Seth Rich’s Family Wants the Conspiracy Theories To End – IOTW Report

Seth Rich’s Family Wants the Conspiracy Theories To End

This 4Chan post is not going to help end the conspiracy theories, as the parents have requested.

The revelation that Donna Brazile tried to get a private investigator to stop probing into Rich’s murder is not going to help end the conspiracy theories.

I feel for the family, but as these stories emerge, maybe they should come out and say that “Seth never had surgery and wasn’t doing fine afterward.”

Yes, it is burdensome and the onus is not on them to do anything. But the conspiracy theories will continue if they do not tamp out these brush fires as they erupt.

Did Seth Rich have surgery for his gunshot wounds, and was he doing okay afterward?


Posted on May 17, to 4chan under the anonymous ID: “rhotYJAg,” the surgeon wrote:

4th year surgery resident here who rotated at WHC (Washington Hospital Center) last year, it won’t be hard to identify me but I feel that I shouldn’t stay silent.

Seth Rich was shot twice, with 3 total gunshot wounds (entry and exit, and entry). He was taken to the OR emergently where we performed an exlap and found a small injury to segment 3 of the liver which was packed and several small bowel injuries (pretty common for gunshots to the back exiting the abdomen) which we resected ~12cm of bowel and left him in discontinuity (didn’t hook everything back up) with the intent of performing a washout in the morning. He did not have any major vascular injuries otherwise. I’ve seen dozens of worse cases than this which survived and nothing about his injuries suggested to me that he’d sustained a fatal wound.

In the meantime he was transferred to the ICU and transfused 2 units of blood when his post-surgery crit came back ~20. He was stable and not on any pressors, and it seemed pretty routine. About 8 hours after he arrived we were swarmed by LEOs and pretty much everyone except the attending and a few nurses was kicked out of the ICU (disallowing visiting hours -normally every odd hour, eg 1am, 3am, etc- is not something we do routinely). It was weird as hell. At turnover that morning we were instructed not to round on the VIP that came in last night (that’s exactly what the attending said, and no one except for me and another resident had any idea who he was talking about).

No one here was allowed to see Seth except for my attending when he died. No code was called. I rounded on patients literally next door but was physically blocked from checking in on him. I’ve never seen anything like it before, and while I can’t say 100% that he was allowed to die, I don’t understand why he was treated like that. Take it how you may, /pol/, I’m just one low level doc. Something’s fishy though, that’s for sure.


Unfortunately, along with the tragedy of their son being killed, his death is filled with intrigue. They are paying a bigger price. It happens.

Wanting to know if this story is true doesn’t make me an uncaring jerk. Saying, “move along, nothing to see here,” would.

ht/ fdr in hell

32 Comments on Seth Rich’s Family Wants the Conspiracy Theories To End

  1. There’s a lot of mixed messaging going on here. They have also thanked people for trying to get to the bottom of his murder. I read a couple days ago that they have a DNC team actually putting out a lot of their communications. Hard to tell what’s going on.

  2. Hannity tweeted he’s going to have a big announcement about Seth Rich, the people that are trying to stop him from pursuing the story and his future at FOX.

  3. There are a lot of sick people in the world with a lot of time on their hands seeking attention that spew a lot of garbage and get caught up in inserting themselves into drama. Not that different from ‘anonymous’ sources in every anti-Trump article.

  4. BFH, for awhile today, I noticed that Drudge, Hedge,
    Gateway etc had all taken down any mention of the “DNC Seth Panic” which had been atop their pages since yesterday. And the kimdotcom reveal turned out to be nothing but more “still talkin to muh lawyers”. If Hillary could manage it, she’d have Seth Rich pop out of DNC HQ, wave to the assembled journos, and hug a little girl.

  5. Petition Started to Appoint Special Prosecutor to Investigate Seth Rich Murder
    A petition put up at reads:
    “Appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate the murder of Seth Rich, the alleged Wikileaks email leaker
    …The facts do not add up, law enforcement stopped covering the crime, and now it is time for us to fight for justice. Seth Rich deserves this.”

  6. If I walk through the wrong neighborhood, there are people who would shove a knife in my back for the $80 in my wallet.

    Imagine what some people would do if instead of $80 in my wallet, there were trillions, and unimaginable power. There are people who would do any evil act imaginable to have it.

  7. Why would the DC PD seize Seth’s home computer if this was just a botched robbery? Why do the parents need a DNC spin meister? Why did Donna Brazille insinuate herself into the story? Why did Wikileaks offer a reward? Daily Mail has an interesting article up now.

  8. at some point, you have to ask yourself….WAS SETH RICH’S FAMILY BOUGHT OFF BY THE CLINTON FOUNDATION?

    Much like the Kopeckne Family was bought off by that fat drunkard’s family, the Kennedys.

  9. ‘Seth Rich Demands Justice!’
    … where the phuck are all those placard-waving, justice-demanding little shit weasel ‘anarchist’ democRats now?

  10. I’ve been making an effort to follow this and all I can say is there’s WAY to much smoke not to have a fire. When you stop and think about it, the logical way to cover up this guy as the leaker is to frantically point fingers at a Russian hack. Always watch the other hand.

  11. The standard line to a thorough investigation demand by the family of a murder victim is, “That’s not going to bring them back to life.”

    The Rich family doesn’t want their son to be remembered (or revealed) as a leaker or a spy.

    When mainstream news agencies retract or spike an investigative story, remember this: George Orwell warned us.

  12. From the very beginning, the Rich family was more concerned with protecting Democrats than finding whoever murdered their son.

    They still are.

    The only time they pipe up is when someone tries to keep his name in the news. Op Ed in a major newspaper no less.

    Something is not right there. I haven’t seen this level of devotion since, oh wait, when Roger Ailes died and Monica Lewinsky blamed him in an op-ed for “ruining her life”.

    The Riches are just Lewinskies.

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