Sexy Merkel – IOTW Report

Sexy Merkel

27 Comments on Sexy Merkel

  1. Put a bag over her head with eye-holes and she’ll still be ugly because beauty is skin deep and we know what’s inside her.

    She’s 100 % halel as well.

  2. I shall now disgust everyone:

    You have to F one “woman”, eat one, and have one crap on your chest:

    Choices are; Michelle, Merkle, Hillary.

    Suicide is not an option.

    Take your pick, make your list, and don’t think about it when you eat dinner tonight!

  3. @WDS

    “Is she ever going to retire to her bunker and do the right thing?”

    She might as well. The enemies of Germany have penetrated to the middle of Berlin. There is a falafel food truck within a block of the Chancellory. The last brave German has surrendured. She has her Walther pistol and a cyanide capsule. There is no way out but one.

  4. ^^^
    Hey, @Eric Brunt’s story reminds me of this one…

    “…one day, a man was out in the forest looking for a nice tree to hang himself on. It seems he had been fired for embezzling, his wife had left him, and he was about to get arrested.

    Suddenly, he came upon a clearing. In it was an old, decrepit house with and old, decrepit woman in front. She saw him and said,

    “I see you have many troubles. Know ye that I am a witch, mighty in the Coven of Hecuba, and I can do much with just a word of a spell. Tell me then your troubles, and I will tell you my price.”

    He had nothing to lose, so he did, and said “I have no money, so I can’t meet any price.”

    But then she bowed her legs, breifly uncrossed her eyes, and intoned, “ZORCH! Your company’s money is back in the bank! YVENTES! The warrant has been vacated! ZOLLA MONTA! Your wife is back home with love in her heart!”

    He boggled at her, and said “but I can not pay!

    She told him “I need no money, BUT these things will pass away if you do not make love to me for an hour. THAT is my price!

    She looked bad, smelled bad, and had leaky warts, but he thought “well, for all THAT, I can do what I gotta do to and imagine whatever to get it up. Its only an hour.”

    …an hour later, he rose from her slimy embrace, threw up a little, then dressed to go home.

    As he was leaving, she asked him “Sonny, how old are you?”

    He answered, “39. Why do you ask?

    She rolled her eyes and smiled, and said “Aren’t you a little old to be believing in witches?””


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