Sharpton Demands Kid Rock Drop Confederate Flag – What’s His Answer? – IOTW Report

Sharpton Demands Kid Rock Drop Confederate Flag – What’s His Answer?

The Kelly Files has his answer —
Screen Shot 2015-07-10 at 3.08.22 PM

21 Comments on Sharpton Demands Kid Rock Drop Confederate Flag – What’s His Answer?

  1. I went to a Kid Rock concert a couple years ago. We were on the grass seats about 3 miles from the stage. I do remember the confederate flag displayed on stage, and many audience members also wore it. As far as concerts go, I had one of the best times ever at a Kid Rock concert.

  2. My first Kid Rock experience was at Farm Aid about 15 years ago. I got up before his set to view the displays outside the shed, and my friends stopped, me… “Where you going, Kid Rock’s on next.”

    “Bah. I don’t like his stuff.”

    “Sit down. You’ll love it.”

    So I did. Smiled and laughed through the whole set. One helluvan entertainer.

  3. Say what you may about Kid Rock. I even get a huge charge out of Hank3 saying he’s not KR and if you thought so, well god damn you’re fcuking dumb!

    But the reality is that KR is a super stand up guy. I’ve seen him do some really intelligent things that surprised me considering his media personality.

  4. Kid Rock AMEN

    It’s another night in hell
    Another child won’t live to tell
    Can you imagine what it’s like to starve to death

    And as we sit free and well
    Another soldier has to yell
    Tell my wife and children I love them in his last breath

    C’mon now amen, amen, amen

    Habitual offenders, scumbag lawyers with agendas
    I’ll tell you sometimes people I don’t know what’s worse
    Natural disasters or these wolves in sheep clothes pastors
    Now damn it I’m scared to send my children to church
    And how can we seek salvation when our nations race relations
    Got me feeling guilty of being white
    But faith in human nature, our creator and our savior, I’m no saint
    But I believe in what is right

    C’mon now amen, amen
    I said amen, amen

    Stop pointing fingers and take some blame,
    Pull your future away from the flame
    Open up your mind and start to live
    Stop short changing your neighbors
    Living off hand outs and favors, and maybe
    Give a little bit more than you got to give

    Simplify, testify, identify, rectify
    And if I get high stop being so uptight
    It’s only human nature and I am not a stranger
    So baby won’t you stay with me tonight

  5. Someone just drive by the house with a huge confederate flag flying on a pole hooked to the rear of a pickup. Never saw that before. Good for them.
    I’m getting one for my flagpole at my house. Fuck you Sharp practice.

  6. Always appreciated the Kid from the very beginning –

    “Free, like a river raging.
    Strong as the wind I’m facing.
    Chasing dreams and racing father time.
    Deep like the grandest canyon,
    Wild like an untamed stallion.
    If you can’t see my heart you must be blind.

    You can knock me down and watch me bleed
    But you can’t keep no chains on me.
    I was born free!”

    Wonder if Revrum Shahpton knows the Kid has a black/white child with his former black girlfriend.

  7. Not positive, but I think Kid Rock showed up at a young man’s birthday party who was an epic fan. He surprised the boy who was disabled in some way. .. ringing any bells ? And he did that just because he’s a really really nice man, that Kid Rock.

    Yes. I confirmed it.

    Do a search and it comes up. He was a boy with Down Syndrome and KR surprised him on his Birthday, but did not know the lad.. Made me cry.

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